Chapter 5

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(Shiloh's pov)

The girl reads the name on my bag and wagon and her eyes grow wide "this says "located in Koope Village! is that where you're from? that's so far away..." She said with her brows furrowed.

"yeah, I know. I'll be on my way now if you don't mi-"

she grabs me by the wrist and says "wait a second"

We make eye contact again and it feels like a hundred suns are exploding on my face. My whole face feels warm.

"I'll give you a ride home" she says still not breaking the eye contact.

"no thanks" I snatched my arm out of her grip and rushed out of the store.

What the hell was that? Why is she being nice all of a sudden? Oh, I get it; she probably was gonna kidnap me and harvest my organs! Or even worse; keep me as a pet!! Not today Satan! Not today!

The lightning cracks over my head and the rain starts pouring even harder. The fog is thick and the winds are strong, maybe I should just spend some money on a cab ride? At least let them drive me half way, I'll just walk the rest of the way. Maybe the rain won't be as bad by then.

A Vola pulls up next to me and the backseat window on the right side rolls down, "stop being stupid and hop in, scruffy." The girl yells, trying to be heard over the rain and thunder.

"I'd rather be struck by lightning!" I replied just as the lightning cracks loudly over my head again.

"suit yourself" she says and begins rolling up the window.

I don't want to get in but I don't really have a choice at this point.

"wait, I'm sorry! Let me in please!" I yell.

She smirks, "yeah that's what I thought, put that shit in the trunk and come on" she said then I heard the doors unlock. After I put my things away I got into the car, completely soaked.


(Xena's pov)

"So....where are we headed?" I asked him.

"Mior Lane 6706, Koope Village" he replied sulking.

I let out a laugh and he glared at me then turned his attention to the thunderstorm outside "why are you even helping me?"

"why not?" I closed my eyes and leaned back in my seat.

"you must want something? Like; let's be real if you just wanted to make sure I got home quickly you could've just paid for a cab"

I laugh again but don't reply. I hear him huff and puff before looking out of the window again.

"look at the street, scruffy. Do you see any cabs?" I pulled a sponge cake out of the compartment, unwrapped it and took a bite out of it "no, right? That's because..."

When I looked over at him his eyes were as big as silver dollars and glued to my food. He kept swallowing like he was salivating and staring at my sponge cake like it was the last piece of food on earth. I reached into the compartment again and pulled out two more "do you....want these?" I asked him while offering it to him.

He looked out the window again and crossed his arms "I'm not homeless you know...I have a house and a barn!"

"Whatever scruff, do you want them or not? I have milk too" I said.

He sat there quietly for a moment then took them out of my hand but wouldn't eat them. We drove for a while in silence, about thirty minutes into the drive he fell asleep with his head on the window.

"he's not a bad looking guy" Ben says and I roll my eyes.

"what are you getting at?"

"I'm just saying, he's cute"

"then you date him" I said before turning my attention back to the window.

"you're the one watching him sleep, not me" he says then laughs.

He noticed? How long has he been looking back here?!

"is your old age making you delusional or something? Just keep your eyes on the road" I say before redirecting my eyes. He laughs and continues driving quietly.


(Shiloh's pov)

"Hey, hey! Wake up scruffy! You're supposed to be giving us directions?" The girl yells as she violently shakes me; scaring the shit out of me.

"where are we?" I ask as I look out of the window.

"you're asking US? you said you live here" she says in a frustrated tone.

"well, we're in the sky? How am I supposed to know where we are from way up here?"

"He has a point" the driver says.

"thank you sir" I replied with a smug grin.

"whatever, Ben get closer to the ground so he can see"

"will do" he says then lowers the car.

I look around for a moment trying to see through the fog.


"shh, don't talk" I replied still trying to figure out where we were. Finally I could see my gate in the distance "there! over there! That's where I live!" I pointed to my house.

As we approached my house the look on the girls face seemed more and more confused " here?" She asked in an almost heartbroken tone.


"this is...Koope Village?"

She looked at my house and landscaping in disbelief.


(Xena's pov)

This is what Koope Village looks like?What the fuck is going on?!

"I appreciate the ride and the food! Thank you, really" he said before getting out of the car.

"wait!" I yelled and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"you should take more. Food. You should take more food" I said while wiping my tears away and attempting to pull myself together.

He looked confused and concerned; "thanks".

"don't mention it" I replied, then he just nodded and went inside.

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