08 ☆ blooming sighs

Start from the beginning

"That's cool!" Smiling gracefully you quickly scanned the machine with your debby card, grabbing your ticket you walk aside waiting for the male to get him as well.

As the two of you made your way toward your train, you quickly barge into the platform, entering the train with him, sitting down on your usual seat with Luka, making sure it wasn't actually taken by someone, "Ah... It's been a while since we went on a train together! It makes me wanna do something..." He suddenly begins to sneaker mischievously, as if he was plotting something.

"I don't think we could do our stupid, hilarious pranks anymore, Luka."

The male scratches his hair while chuckling, "I wasn't planning on doing so!"

You let a soft chortle shaking your head, it was obvious that he was planning a small prank on the people, the two of you were like a chaotic duo, messing around with strangers, pulling pranks on them, it was nothing but trouble to the adults but you obviously liked pulling small harmless tricks on the people on board. 

When the train stops at a certain raven's station, you immediately told Luka to move space for his seat since he took that space and it made him confused, the door's engine hissed as it begins to open, a movement of crowds rushed inside, your neck snapped up towards the doorway, waiting. Without missing a beat, a tall raven stepped in wearing a long white coat and a blue scarf as he stood near the doorway.

Dan Heng slowly turns his head to you and another boy sitting near each other, you looked up giving your usual smile with a slight wave, "Hello, old man!" Grinning like a foul you moved a space for him to sit, and there goes your jar of feeling already spilling out, that you tried locking with chains and locks.

"Old man?"Luka confusingly stares at the raven near him, he blinks turning to you with a dumbfounded expression, "Who's this...?" His whispers a tad curious.

You placed your bag on your lap turning your viva magenta-haired friend, a smirk suddenly was placed on your lips as your index finger pointed at him, "My new train mate! And he's way better than you."

Luka lets out a dramatic gasp like really was offended—which he was, "Better me?!" He exclaims a bit shocked, "How is he better!" 

Dan Heng blinked unconsciously confused, he didn't understand who the person next to you was, and why you decided to call him a "train mate" even though you said you wanted to stay "strangers" with him, what was all on top of his addled; he doesn't even remember if he brought his laptop with him or he had forgotten at school. The raven-haired tilted his head, "Um... Hi?" Oh great, he completely forgot how to start a conversation with a person he's been seeing three months, and the sudden boy who was friends with you.

"Hi, I'm Luka!" He waves enthusiastically, the raven literally thought he was a male version of his closest friend March, they both have similar personalities (?), "What's yours?"

As Dan Heng was about to reply a sudden shout interrupted his voice, "STOP!!" You quickly clasped your ears, and the people on the train immediately turned to your attention after the sudden outburst, very humiliating to be honest. But you really didn't want to learn his name, even though you already know his name, you didn't want the raven to know that you know his name which makes him know that you know his name, and then you'd have to offer out your name as well, and that would mean you'd be officially friends with him. 

What was the big deal of switching names to strangers that could turn into close friends? 

You just wanted to make a memorable moment with him, after all. Without the names, there are no expectations or no need for any extra effort to maintain that relationship.

And that's what you felt.

You looked around seeing the crowd looking at you confused, and the two next to you were utterly disquiet, laughing nervously you released your hands from your ears, "Hehe... I'm fine! I just don't want to know your name yet!" You waved it off like it was nothing and soon then the people went back to what they were doing, it wasn't business to listen to such teenage stories.

Your friend just stared off to space as he tilted his head, but momentarily he back to earth with a confused expression, "Wait wait... You don't know his name? You don't know each other's name?" Luka asked turning to the raven which he nodded.

"Yup! And also he's friends with Caelus and many of our friends!"

"Not that much..." Dan Heng corrected.

The viva magenta-haired scratched his hair, "If so then why not be friends at this point?" He clearly didn't understand what was going on between the two of you but perhaps you'd explain too properly.

A sigh escaped your breath, looks like you had to explain everything that was confusing (which means the author had to write in long-short), "Alright, you see; we've agreed for the past months to be friends but with no revealing our names to each other, it's quite comforting, to be honest!" You smiled glancing at the raven before flicking your fingers, "And! We've told our friends to not reveal our names to each other, I don't need to feel cautious about saying something weird 'cause he'll probably think it'll be someone else other than me or he might forget!"

The raven-haired slowly nod his head a tad addled, he really did not understand what you had just said, Luka softly hums, "Ah... Is that why. Since you are m—"

"Shuush!" You cupped his mouth, making sure he wouldn't say another word of revealing, the raven didn't mind pushing further his confusion and curiosity.

Dan Heng stared at the two of you that were keeping secrets from him, but he didn't ask what it was, it really wasn't his business anyway, he lets a sigh out of boredom and hindsight, and his mind drifts off to remembering clues of where he had left his laptop, whether his friend Caelus was using to play his games or he left it in student council desk, either way, he had to go back to school before it closes, who knows what will happen to it if he went back home. For now, he had to wait for the next station to drop off.

He turns back to you, only to see you having a conversation with Luka, it continued ever since he was deep in thought, not that he minded; but he felt left out... But it's not like he actually wanted to know everything about you, secrets can make people curious, and Dan Heng could consider himself though he denies it if he was told. When the station he was dropping off to was announced, "Hey..." The raven tries calling out to you but not only was he ignored, but he also notices how much fun you were having with the rose-haired guy, the male's lips that gaped slowly shuts close like locking a treasure chest.

Getting up from his seat, he barges his way out of the crowd leading himself out of the train that had no memorable moments for today, the gloaming hour that lit up his raven strands and blue scarf, he turns to glance at the reflecting window of your diverting smile, the smile that cleared every single distressing thought of his, that smile is the prettiest thing he's ever seen in a while, for it extends to your eyes and deep into your soul. A rare yet memorable chance he could get by just looking.

Without bidding you a usual warmful farewell, with a soft puffy sigh, nuzzling into his knitted scarf, he walks away into the overwrought yet hectic crowd, leaving you in a disoriented set of mind... wondering where he had gone off to.



guess who's back after a hell exam :)

luka be my number #2 fav can't wait for his banner

anyway i have a question to you guys

does anyone want this book to end in angst or i just do my fluff as always?

i'm angst writer and i love sad endings but it's up to you guys to decide

or maybe i'll make a happy ending ?? (has never done a happy ending before)

bye bye!

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