Elena's Double Date

Start from the beginning

"Change of plans. Sorry, I thought you'd be psyched" she says with a frown.

"No, no, no. I mean...I am. Of course I am" he assures her.

"Alright then, step aside" Anna tells him and enters the house. "We alone?" she asks.

"No, Mira is asleep upstairs. Best not to wake her, she hasn't been getting much sleep the last few days" he tells her. Anna nods her head. They go to the lounge and Jeremy sets up a video game. Making sure the TV is on mute, so as to not wake his sleeping pregnant sister. "What made you and your mom decide to stay in town?" he asks as he hands Anna her remote.

"She got this business opportunity; she's going to open up a little store. It has always been her dream. So yeah we're staying. And I'm thinking about going back to high school, so you'll be seeing a little more of me" Anna tells him with a smile.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"Enough of homeschooling. I'd like to be a normal teen for once. But I have to ask my mom first, she'll have an opinion" Anna states.

"Well, I wish you were there now. I actually have to write another paper. I was thinking about squeezing one more out on the vampire in Mystic Falls" Jeremy lies.

"Really? Haven't you exhausted the subject?" Anna asks feeling uncomfortable.

"No, I want to go deeper, you know. I want to understand why people were labelled as vampires back in the day. I mean, maybe there's such a thing has vampires, they're just different from the way we always thought they were" Jeremy tells her.

"What do you mean?" she asks him.

"Well, maybe they're normal and good, just outsiders you know? Um, misunderstood" he tells her.

"You're kidding, right?" she asks him.

"Don't you think it could be possible? You did give me all that info" he reminds her.

"Jeremy, I made it up ok? You were all cute and floppy and I wanted to make a good impression" she lies. "Now are we going to play or what?" she asks him. He smiles and they start to play.

(Time skip) Mira's POV

I woke up in bed and look around confused. I spot a note on my bedside able. Elena asked me to carry you to bed, thinking you'd be more comfortable there then on the couch. Hope you had a good nap, Stefan. I smile. My sister always so considerate of others. But now I am hungry, first stop the kitchen. Then to loo.

But I have a bad feeling. This is quite, to quite. Jeremy is supposed to be home. I grab the can of vervain filled pepper spray Liz had given me when I asked her about vampires. I head downstairs silently. I hear a crush in the kitchen and pick up speed. I see a vampire restrianing my baby brother feeding on him.

"Get away from him!" I scream spraying her with the spray. She screams in pain and flashes away from him. I get between them. "Get the fuck out of our house before I call the council and tell them about you & your mother" I sneer at Anna. "You are no longer welcome here and if I see you anywhere near my family again. You're dead, am I glare?" I demand as her face heals.

She nods and left. "What the hell Mira?!" Jeremy exclaims. I grab a towel and press it to his hand breathing hard.

"Are you ok Jer? Did that bitch hurt you anywhere else?" I ask him.

"You know about vampires?" he asks shocked.

"Yes and you well never see that one again, am I clear?" I ask.

"But it was my fault, I cut myself and goaded her into revealing herself" he states.

"That's a stupid thing to do" I snap glaring at him. "She already nearly killed you and Elena once. I will not have you see her ever again Jeremy. Promise me?" I beg as tears fill my eyes. "I can't lose you" I cry.

He hugs me tightly. "You won't lose me Mira" he assures me. "I promise to not seek out Anna again" he states. I sigh in relief.

"Lets go clean up your hand and bandage it" I tell him. I lead him to the bathroom. I tended to his hand.

"When did she try to kill Elena and I?" he asks me.

"Duke's party, she is the reason you were unconscious and had a sore head. But when she couldn't use you as a blood bag for her mother. She used Elena, Elena would of died that night if not for Stefan" I tell him. "Jeremy, I only tell you this so that you can understand how dangerous Anna and her mother are. Yes there are good vampires in the world, but those two are not one of them" I state. "Do you understand?" I ask him and he nods his head avoiding my eyes.

"I'm gonna go clean up the kitchen, want anything to eat?" he asks me.

"Yes please, I'll be there in a minute" I tell him. He nods and left the room. I relieved myself and washed my hands before going to the kitchen. I pass Jenna along the way and she smiles saying good night. I find Jeremy had put a pizza in the oven and smile.

"Does Elena know?" he asks and I nod my head.

"She believed it was best to keep you and Jenna out of it. Hell, she doesn't always tell me everything. Not wanting me to be stressed out and go into premature labor" I tell him. As I feel a braxton hick. I sigh.

"I won't let anything happen to you or Grayson" he tells me. I smile. Soon the pizza is ready and we enjoy it. Jeremy tried to asked more questions. But I refused to answer them. Saying we'd talk in the morning.


Picture above of Anna biting Jeremy and picture in chapter of Mira pregnant now.

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