Chapter 12: CUT TO THE CHASE

Start from the beginning

Chiaki: "That's wrong!... I think."

Nagito: "...Did you say something?"

Chiaki: "Because... we've already found a clue that might point to who the killer is."

Gundham: "A clue?"

Akane: "You know who the killer is?"

Chiaki: "The killer? I don't know... but we do have a clue about a suspicious person... I think."

Nagito: "I see... then care to tell me? What's this clue you're talking about?"

Chiaki: "First of all, let's try thinking about how the killer was able to obtain the knife during the blackout."

Nagito: "Didn't we already cover that? They used glowing paint as a mark."

Chiaki: "No, not that... I mean, before that." Is she asking how the killer got close to the table? Even if they had to obtain the knife by relying on the glowing paint, in order to do that, they needed to get close to that table while it was still dark.

Hajime: "Let's try examining the situation... Mahiru's diagram might be useful here."

Mahiru: "The diagram of where everyone was standing before the blackout, right? Um... here it is." She said as she reached into her shirt pocket and pulled out the drawing in question.

Hajime: 'Just as I thought, this diagram is the clue! Who the killer is, and how they were able to move to the table in the dark

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Hajime: 'Just as I thought, this diagram is the clue! Who the killer is, and how they were able to move to the table in the dark. That's clearly shown in this diagram!' First, they needed to discuss how the killer was able to move to that table in the dark. The killer probably used something to help them. "The killer must've used the desk lamp to move to that table in the dark."

Nagito: "The desk lamp?... I hope you don't mean they turned on a light or something."

Gundham: "There was a blackout, there's no way the killer could've used the desk lamp." Of course, there's no way they used the desk lamp's light. The killer actually used something that was connected to the lamp.

Hajime: "They didn't turn the desk lamp on, they used its power cord."

Mikan: "P-Power cord?"

Hajime: "They could've felt their way to that table using the power cord, right? By doing that, the killer was able to move to the table, then used the glowing paint to find the knife."

Chiaki: "And based on the diagram... there's only one person who could've done it."

Teruteru: "W-Who?" The only person here who could've done it, this would be the first time Hajime would have to point the finger at someone. It's not a good feeling, but he didn't have a choice.

Hajime: "Nagito... it was you, wasn't it?"

Nagito: "M-Me?"

Hajime: "Judging from everyone's positions before the blackout, the only person near the power cord was you."

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