Chapter 1: I am Thou, Thou art I.

Start from the beginning

"Is this the classroom at Hope's Peak?" he asked, "who are you?" So many questions were going through his mind, yet these were the only one's that came out. The lady standing behind the weird-looking man chuckled.

"Asking so many questions right out of the gate," she smiled, "what a good student this one is. We may have struck lucky this time, Master."

"Patience. We shall see," the strange man replied, looking towards Makoto, "let us begin with your first question. "Is this a dream?" In a manner of speaking, yes...But also, no."

"Wh-What does that mean?" Makoto frowned, getting gradually more nervous by the second.

"What you see before you is indeed a real place, and everything you see happening here is real...However, it is also a place that only you can see in your mind," the man explained, "we call it...the Velvet Room. It is a place that exists between dreams and reality; mind and matter...and I am it's Master. My name is Igor."

He then gestured to the lady in the uniform, who courtesied to him.

"This lady by my side is my assistant for this Velvet Room. Her name is Agatha. Please, do well to remember this."

"I...I can try?" Makoto scratched his head, unsure of what to say, "but...Why did you bring me here? Why are we in a classroom? Did something wrong?"

"The room takes the appearance of the state of it's guest's mind. Yours just so happens to resemble a classroom. Even I cannot tell you why," Igor explained, "perhaps it means that your fate is tied to your education or your career?"

"My fate?" Makoto parroted, panicking even more, "what does that even mean!? Am I in danger!?"

"Perhaps...Perhaps not..." Igor replied cryptically, "but there is no need to panic. There is a way to defy the fate that has been forced upon you...albeit only one..."

Igor suddenly snapped his fingers, and as soon as he did, Makoto began to feel a drowsiness overwhelm him. He collapsed back onto the chair he had woken up from, and he felt his eyelids become heavy.

"Do not be alarmed. I am simply sending you back to where you came from," Igor chuckled as he started to fade from view, "we will meet again soon..."

Beautiful Days - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

"Makoto!? MAKOTO! WAKE UP!"

Makoto lurched awake once again at the sound of his name being screamed in his ear. He lurched upwards, frantically looking around at his environment. Igor, the woman Agatha, and the deep blue classroom had vanished. Now he found himself in the familiar setting of his bedroom at home, with his little sister, Komaru Naegi, standing next to his bed with her hands on her hips.

Komaru was wearing her own school uniform. She didn't go to Hope's Peak, but she had just started attending a high school in the local area. Despite how their appearances suggested otherwise, Komaru was younger than Makoto by one year, and this was her first year as a High Schooler. She clearly didn't approve of how her older brother was napping in when she had decided to take things so seriously.

"Jeez. Usually you're the one who has to wake ME up in the morning," she huffed, "had a nice dream or something?"

"I definitely had...a dream..." Makoto replied, not knowing what else to say.

"Well, get back to reality and come down for breakfast, or else you'll miss your first day of school." Komaru told him, "Mom's already made breakfast, it's downstairs for you. Toast and milk work?"

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