Chapter 1

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LOCATION: Near the Borders between the 2 realms

Flying through the sky was one of Yuna's favorite things. It made her feel free like a bird in the sky with no responsibilities, no duties or obligations. Just her and the wind and sky. Like any other day the girl had sneaked out of the palace for a flight. What wasn't like any other day was the figure of a girl on the ground who seemed hurt. Her first thought was why was the girl so close to the border between the 2 realms. Maybe she was a dark creature? But, above all she was a person in need of help and Yuna couldn't bare to turn her back to her

" Are you okay?" she asked the girl who was struggling to get up. Amaris didn't want to say anything because the girl in front happened to be a light creature. Dark Creatures and Light Creatures did not get along. But, she was in need of help and did not see any other person nearby. Plus, it was her fault for entering the light realm.

She offered a weak smile before saying " I think I twisted my ankle". Yuna smiled at the fact that the girl finally decided to talk to her. " I can help you with that,'' she said, bending down to reach the girl's ankle. Amaris watched as a light glowed out the girl's hands. She immediately felt warm as her ankle slowly healed. Once done, Yuna helped the girl up.

" How can I thank you?" Amaris said repeatedly bowing in front of the girl. " Just take care of yourself from now on" Yuna said with a chuckle. She smiled at the girl one last time before taking off to head back to the palace. She had already been gone for too long.

Amaris watched as the girl flew off into the distance. " I didn't even ask her name" she muttered as the girl disappeared from sight. She made sure nobody was around before a pair of jade dragon wings appeared on her back. She flew the opposite way back to the Dark Realm before anybody else could spot her

LOCATION: The Kingdom of Azalea

Yuna POV

I flew back into the castle through an open window leading to one of the many hallways of our home. " Still didn't stop this habit of yours" a voice behind me said. I turned around to see my brother James making his way down the hallway. " Nope" I said, smiling at him. He sighed, James has always been the golden child while I am the rebellious one as he likes to call me. But, our parents loved us equally, He was the diamond and I was the sapphire

" What if I told Mother or perhaps Father? '' he said as we made our way down the long hallway. " Snitches get stitches dear brother" I warned him. He only chuckled in response. " Don't forget dear sister, we were meant to meet with our parents 1 hour ago" he whispered next to my ear. I immediately remembered that we had to meet her parents. " You have 5 minutes before I go without you and you have to explain where you were" he yelled as I ran to get ready

With the help of my handmaid and best friend Jennifer I was able to get ready in under 5 minutes. It's not like this was the first time it happened. I ran to the throne room and managed to zoom past James and enter before him. " And where were you kids?" Mother asked, looking at us up and down. " We were training together and lost track of time, mother sorry" James explained with a guilty smile. They did not question us any further. I was always impressed by James ability to lie on the spot

" We will be attending a ball at Andros tomorrow night. They are celebrating their harvest" father explained as we nodded. Ball's are very common so it was nothing new. After the meeting I headed straight to my room with Jennifer behind me to start packing. Taking off my glove I noticed a mark on the front of my hand. " Princess, which gowns do you want to take?" Jen yelled from the garderobe. I brushed off the thoughts and went to pick my dresses

LOCATION: The kingdom of Crystalhollow

It was like any other day in Julia's mundane life. She wakes up and gets ready for the day like she always does like a robot. The only change was that this time she was summoned by her parents to the throne room. The only source of excitement that would come from her day. She was an only child so the castle was almost always empty. The only people living there were her distant and cold parents, her handmaid and the only person she can consider a friend, Isabella, and the many guards and staff who protected and maintained the palace. All of them as cold as the other

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