Chapter 5

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3rd Person POV

" I am glad everybody decided to come" Bada said as the 9 individuals looked at each other. As they stood in front of the forest. " You will begin your journey here. Gather allies and get ready Valtor has been preparing for centuries. We will not be there to guide you through your journey but we will always be watching. Your journey will not be short on challenges but with the help of each other you will make it through." Shoo said. " Before you depart we would like you to have these" Eugene said. As a light shone in front of each of them. " These are your sacred treasures. They will help you draw out your full power and fight. Each was specially designed and tailored for each of you" She finished. " Stay in this forest for the next 3 days, get to know each other and your weapons" Bada said before the 3 witches disappeared

Each headed into the forest. Everybody alone except for Samuel, Benjamin and Lucy went in together. " So what now?" Benjamin said lazily as they walked deeper into the forest. " I don't know" Lucy said as she followed behind the 2 boys. " Why don't we see what these sacred treasures are?" Samuel said as he stopped. " How do we even do that?" Ben said. " They did not even bother telling us" Lucy said with a sigh.

Just then a shiny jet black spear appeared in front of Samuel floating. " How did you do that?" Ben said in amazement looking at the spear in front of Samuel. " I just thought about it" Samuel said, shrugging and taking the spear. " My turn" Ben said and closed his eyes before he knew it 2 swords appeared in each of his hands. " This is so cool" Ben said with stars in his eyes. Just then his nose took a whiff of a smell and before he knew it he had super sped off in front of a girl.

A loud scream was let out of Serena's mouth as she was met with Ben's face in an instant. Hearing the scream Samuel sped to where Ben was leaving Lucy behind only to see him apologizing to Serena repeatedly. " I am sorry, it was my instincts as soon as I picked up on your scent" he said apologetically. " It's okay, I was just surprised" she said with a small smile

" My name is Ben. What about you?" the boy said with a smile. " I am Serena" she said. Serena found the boy interesting as he just talked with a smile and not a care in the world. Not many people were this carefree in the light realm. " You know I can read your mind" Ben said, his smile not faltering. " You can" she said, her face panicking a little. " Consider it my vampire gift. But I usually try to turn it off since everybody's thoughts should be private" he said. Serena watched him with awe before stretching out her hand. " Do you want to be friends Ben?" she asked

As they both got to talking Samuel turned around with a sigh and smile as he left Ben to work his friendly magic on the girl. He made his way back to where he had left Lucy on to be stopped by a chill behind his back. The atmosphere had just gotten cold and he turned around to find a short girl.

Julia had just walked around when she saw the boy. This is the longest she had ever spent away from her parents and she was loving it. The world outside of Crystalhollow was so beautiful and she was distracted by every little thing but she still managed to keep her cold demeanor. She wasn't even sure why she walked up to the boy. Maybe it was because she wanted a friend but she was still on her guard because nevertheless he was still a dark creature

They looked at each other for what seemed to be an eternity but she couldn't speak a single word. She did not know what to say, she had not been taught how to make a friend. So she did the first thing that came to her mind: she turned away and ran. Samuel was confused and wanted to run after her but Lucy was left all alone and he needed to find her first. As he made his way back he remembered the wavering emotions he detected through the girl's eyes. He knew that she was Julia the princess of Crystalhollow but that was it and he wanted to know more

Meanwhile Lucy was wandering alone and looking for anybody at this point. As she went deeper into the woods she found a boy sitting with his back to a tree and his eyes, hands crossed in front of his chest. She looked at the boy curiously and slowly approached him. She knew exactly who it was and probably shouldn't have approached him but her curiosity got the better of her as she crouched in front of him. Eyes were drawn to a small scar on the boy's eyebrow and as her hand reached out to touch it. A hand grabbed her wrist and the pair of eyes shot open as the boy looked at her. For a second neither of them moved. Daniel inspected the girl with his eyes, her fair skin, her cat-like eyes, her rosy lips that were now parted in a small gasp. Out of everybody there she felt weird as if their was an attracting pulling him to her. But, he quickly brushed off the feeling 

Lucy on the other hand felt intimidated by his gaze and wanted to hide away from the world and him. Why did she even get so close to him. It was as if something was pulling her to him and she couldn't deny that he was indeed attractive but he was the son of satan and one of the princes of hell. They were nothing alike and would never be anything alike. She finally came back to her senses and tried to pull her wrist away but he was much stronger than she was.

" I am sorry, please let me go" she said in a shaky voice. He still did not let go as his gaze pierced her whole being. What seemed like an eternity later for Lucy as she kept looking down at the ground his grip finally loosened. As he pushed her away and she fell. He stood up and started walking away sparing her one last glance and saying " Never try to touch me again" and then he was out of sight

She sighted when he finally disappeared. It was kind of her fault for trying to touch him but he did not have to be such as dick about it but what else was she expecting he was the son of satan, she could feel the extreme dark energy that was oozing out of him. Lucy made a mental note to stay away from him at all costs. She got up and dusted herself as she looked at her bleeding knee from a scratch she had gotten when she fell and her red throbbing wrist. They both hurt but she could endure it

Just then with extreme speed a girl fell from the sky in front of Lucy landing on her 2 feet. Yuna got up and looked at the girl in front of her. " Oh my god, what happened to you?" Yuna said as she gently helped Lucy's wrist. She placed her hand on it and a light blue light shone on her wound. Lucy closed her eyes and let the relieving warm feeling of Yuna's power heal her wound. When she was done with her wrist she immediately moved on to her knee.

" How do you feel now?" Yuna asked Lucy. " Better. Thank you Princess" Lucy said with a small smile. " Please just call me Yuna" Yuna answered with a smile. " You can call me Lucy" Lucy said with a smile as well. " Where did you come from Yuna?" She said remembering how the girl basically fell from nowhere. Yuna smiled and pointed at the sky. " Let me show you" she said as she grabbed Lucy's hand and started flying up. She used her wind magic to lighten Lucy's weight and control the air around her, also allowing her to fly.

Lucy was surprised and a bit scared, starting to fidget. " Don't worry I won't drop you" Yuna said looking at her with a smile. Something about her smile reassured Lucy who just took a deep breath and looked around. Wind hit her face and the scenery was beautiful. This allowed her to calm down and enjoy the moment. " Isn't it just beautiful?" Yuna said as she guided Lucy around the sky. Lucy humed in agreement. " I just love flying"


AN: Hi, Sorry for the short chapter I was in a rush. Yes, the adventure starts now so get ready. In the next chapter I will include images of what the characters will be wearing throughout the journey and their sacred treasures ( Thanks Seven Deadly Sins) I hope you enjoyed this chapters

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