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Centuries ago, before the creation of the world and the first creatures lived Gods, Goddesses and angels inhabited the sky all ruled the Supreme Deity. She had 5 children, one of which you would soon know as the ruler of Hell Satan the devil.

But before that there was Valtor. Her first son born with the darkest soul she had ever scene. After his failed attempts at killing her and taking her throne she banished him to a new planet she had created. When he landed he released a cry that would destroy half of the planet filling it with dark magic.

The supreme deity descended after the him landing on the other half of the planet filling it with light magic. She created hell as a prison for Valtor. Thus was the first soul in hell. Knowing that her second Samael now known as Lucifer (satan/the devil) was part of the rebellion she trapped him in the dark lands Valtor had created and forced him to guard over those lands and hell.

From Valtors magic came the first dark creatures and from the Supreme Diety's magic came the first light creatures. Two groups that were destined to hate each other forevermore.

Before leaving the deity brought down 10 of her strongest warriors light and dark who would guard over the land and protect it from all evil that wants to destroy it. They would be known as the 10 commandments each wielding a gift given to them the Supreme Diety

As she left to rejoin the sky she failed to notice that Valtor was not fully imprisoned. He lauded low plotting his revenge for the many years to come where he would finally destroy his mother and take over her precious planet

AN: hey luvs, I hope you guys understand this chapter because it's a bit confusing. I'll be updating both books soon

Thank you

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