Chapter 6

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Yuna POV

We flew through the sky for a few more minutes before I let go of her hand. Lucy seemed to think that she was going to fall because she let out a loud scream before realizing she was still floating. " I control the wind. As long as I am here you cannot fall" I said with a smile as she gave out a small sigh of relief and gave me a small smile.

" I like your name by the way much better than mine" I said. It's true I didn't really like my name because it was long and another reason I could not get to now. " What do you mean? Yuna is such a pretty name" she said. " Yuna is but Celeste Yuna Hussey Azalea is not" I said with a small chuckle. " Well my name is Khaleesi Lucy Steele. It's not the best name either" she said, trying to cheer me up. But, frankly I thought her name was beautiful just like her.

" Have you tried your sacred treasure yet?" she said, trying to lighten the mood. I shook my head no. " Me neither. Wanna try now?" she said with a smile. " How do you even do that?" I asked since those witches left that part out. " Well, according to Samuel all you have to do is summon them with your mind" she said. I closed my eyes and before I knew it too, chakrams with blue handles with a gem in the middle and white blade appeared in front of me. I grabbed them as Lucy said " Wow, these are so cool" and admired them closely.

I swung them around a bit before throwing one as hard as I could into the opposite direction. As Lucy and I lost sight of it, I started panicking thinking I had thrown it too hard and lost it but it came back flying towards us with enormous speed as I caught it with my free hand. I guess they always come back to me. Something about them felt familiar like I have had it for a long time. "

Your turn I told Lucy" but before she could enter something or might I say someone came flying at us with tremendous speed. It was the boy from the ball, the annoying brother to the lovely Amaris. I think his name is Kai, that's what she called him at the ball at least. On his back were a pair of beautiful red and black dragon wings.

" I should have known," he said with a scowl. Lucy seemed to be just as confused as I was since she asked " Should have known what?". "Those almost decapitated me and of course they were yours' ' he said pointing at my chakrams. " Excuse me, how was I supposed to know that you were there?" I said, defending myself. How did he come up here and accuse me of something I clearly did but was not my fault? " Maybe don't throw sharp blades in the sky. Your not the only one who can fly and what about the fucking birds" he said getting more pissed.

He had a point, maybe I did not think that through but I would never admit that in front of him. I am stubborn. It is even a big surprise. I muttered whatever before flying Lucy and I down. I turned around and gave him one last look and he seemed quite pissed. " I am sorry about that" I said apologetically to her with a slight bow. " Oh don't bow to me princess I should bow to you" she said panicky waving her hands.

" You don't have to call me princess, you know" I said again. Just then we heard leaves moving behind us and turned around to see Serena with a boy I recognized from the ball. " Oh hey Luce" the boy said. " I thought you were with Samuel, Ben" Lucy said. " Nope, But, I made a friend called Serena and I see you did too" the boy named Ben said pointing at Serena. " Oh this is Yuna" Lucy said, pointing at me. " I see you made friends, Yuna" Serena said looking at me.

" You too Serena" I answered her

Serena, Julia, Trevor, Karen and I used to be friends ever since we were kids but as we grew older I guess our relationship just fell apart. I was very saddened by it but I had to keep going. Serena and I at least managed to keep the contact and usually talk at balls or social gatherings but the rest just disappeared from my life one day. I miss them and I miss us. I hope this will bring us back together even if Karen is not here.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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