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One of the factionless must have started a fire, but no one surrounded it. I sat down on a pillar. I stare at the fire watching the flames move from the cool air. The heat soon regulated my body and I no longer sat their freezing. I thought about Four and his mum, I felt quite selfish that I hadn't thought about his situation, it almost made me look like a fool that I didn't ask him, but maybe that's what Four needed, what we needed, space between us to settle into this new situation, and once we are ready come back together and talk about it, like what couples do, because you know, we are a couple. A very happy couple.

"I heard about your fight on the train today, impressive." A deep sonorous voice crept louder behind me.

I continue to stare at the scorching fire as I ignore him. It was no use however, as he sat down beside me.

"You know, staring at a fire isn't going to take away the fact that most of the factions are out looking for you."

I turn my head slightly to stare at him. He had tan skin and bronze hair, with sea-green eyes. He looked tall, despite him sitting and had an athletic and chiseled build.

"Jax, how do you do?" He sticks his hand out and smiles at me, as he reveals his straight white teeth.

I look at him for one moment and then shake his hand, "Quinn."

"Now that I really look at you, you look nothing like your mum." He speaks up.

I furrow my eyebrows at him by his comment.

"Oh, please, take that as a compliment." He rolls his eyes looking back to the fire, I copy what he does and we sit in silence.

"Were you always factionless?" I ask him.

"No, I was Candor for a long time." He answers.

I don't know what he meant by a long time because he looks the same age as me.

"What made you leave?"

"I couldn't stick with the setup of factions, drove my insane. I thought factionless would solve that problem... And look at us now, a helping hand for every other faction."

"Do you plan to kill her?" He continues.



"It's not that easy." I say as I bite the skin of my thumb.

"I wish she was dead," He says, "I wish they were all dead and we were, too. It would be best."

"You certainly know how to lighten the mood." My eyes widen.

"I don't take corners like yous all do, I see a straight line, and that line ends with her dead."

"She's still my mum... I wouldn't want to see her dead." I quieten down.

"If she was really your mum, she wouldn't be out to kill you." Jax says as he gets up from the pillar. "You may have a mother but you don't have a mum... There's a difference."

"Anyway, if I stare at that fire any longer, I'm going to melt, I'll catch you later, Quinn." Jax winks back.

I watch him walk away from me and I'm left on my own once again. I turn my head slightly from processing the conversation I had with Jax. He's a peculiar kind.

After Jax left I didn't spend much longer by the fire, getting up I walked back to the building I was in before. I haven't seen Four since he walked away, and I'm not particularly sure if I even want to see him. I know we each have our secrets but I still question why he wouldn't tell me about her, in fact, how come he won't tell me a lot about his life. He's a closed book, but maybe there's a lock in the way and I just have to try and find the key?

𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑶𝑭 𝑶𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑵 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now