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One thing all of us agreed when we came to Amity was to help with the chores. They weren't difficult but that's compared to Dauntless training. Horses were used around the farm to transfer bags of grains and products to the trains that were then sent out to the city. Children ran round if there was nothing to do, playing in the mud, following their parents, they bombarded the area. Four was helping the others to carry the barrels from one side of the farm to the other. They change the system every two days to make it fair for everyone. I was now in the stables with the horses. That was my favourite time. It meant that I was able to get away from everybody else and be in my own little world, an escape from reality, a distraction from Will's death and from Jeanine's plan. Everything was quiet... only for a little while that is.

"What do you mean I can't come with yous?" Lyla complained as she helped me groom one of the grey horses.

"I told you before, It's too dangerous."

"I've got nothing here for me, I don't belong here!" Lyla continues as she steps down from the mounting block.

I walk over to her and crouch down so I could meet Lyla at eye level.

"Lyla listen to me. I can't bring you into a city that wants to kill anyone who walks out onto the street. If you want to leave, you make that decision when you're seventeen, you can go anywhere you want, you can be factionless for all you know, if that's what you want. But I'm not taking the chance to lose another person who I love, not again." I say as I stand back up and turn back to the horses.

"Not after Will?" She asks me.

I pause for a minute, processing what she's said. I don't want to believe that Will's dead, that I killed him, it only hurt too much.

One night, when I had another nightmare, I came out of my room and went to the barn to see the same grey mare. Horses were the only escape to forget about what I did. I thought I was the only one there but Lyla must've been struggling to sleep as well, she stood by my side and asked why I was up. I couldn't lie to her, and even if I did, she would've known. Lyla was too inquisitive for her own good. I told her about what happened, why I was at Amity, about Jeanine, and about Will. In return she told me about her parents, how she misses them. We both were damaged by the loss of our friends and family, we were each other's comfort and we promised that no matter what we would be each other's listener.

"Not after everything that has happened." I corrected her as I return back into reality.

Before she could say anything, Four walked in with a bale of hay, sets it down and leans his arms against the whither and back of the mare.

"Hi." He says to me and Lyla.

"Hey." we replied.

I hear footsteps from behind me.

"Son. You can't ignore me forever." Marcus speaks up from behind me.

I notice Four tensing up as he walks away from the mare and to the railing of the stable.

I turn round to Marcus and lean my head against the horse, looking up to the ceiling. Will this man ever leave us alone?

"I know you're thinking about your next move, but there are things you don't know."

"Marcus, can you please just leave us alone." I shrug, returning back to grooming the horse.

"Your father didn't leave you because he wanted to, he was trying to hide something from Erudite, to Jeanine-"

"Marcus stop! Whatever you want from us, you're not going to get any." Four speeds over in front of me.

I furrow my eyebrows at him.

𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑶𝑭 𝑶𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑵 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now