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Taking the lead, I ran as fast as I could from the bullets. Despite the thickness of the train, it still marks dents. Surprisingly Parker was just as quick as Four and I.

I grab onto the handle of the train as I jump onto the side. I reach my hand out for Parker as he grabs onto me and I pull him up. Four then grabs onto the side, pulling himself in.

As I lean my hands against my thighs to catch a breath, I hear the thumps of the train as feet walk towards us.

"You folks sure know how to make an entrance." A shaved young man says.

We look around us to see the others that were now around us.

The factionless.

"Amity...Oof, you stand like Dauntless."

"I got no idea what this one is." He continues pointing a finger at Parker.

"Look, we just need to get to the city, that's all." Four walks closer to him.

"Well, too bad, trains taken. And you damaged our cargo."

"I mean you're factionless, you don't own anything." I look around them.

The boy looks over to me from Four's shoulder, now walking to me.

"And who are you?" He asks me.

"Take a guess."

He throws his fist to my face but I dodge it by ducking down and punch him instead. The impact knocks him back as he steadies himself.

"Oh, yeah, this is going to be fun, isn't it?" The boy beams.

"That's if you like a little blood." I look back to him before throwing myself at him and crashing against the cart.

Everyone took that as a sign to punch and kick at each other. I dealt with one side of the cart, Four on the other side and Parker on the second cart.

The shaved headed boy dragged me along the train wall, his hands firm around my neck, so strong he was choking me. I fight back as I fling my arms around grabbing his face and slamming his head into the wall, knocking him cold.

I try to run to the other factionless members but my dress was stopping me. I bend down as I rip the material, giving myself a slit so I could run easier. However, as I look back up a woman charges at me and we both get thrown into some boxes.

"Get the fuck off me!" I scream as I use my foot to push her off me.

I push her hair back, using her ponytail and throw her back onto the boxes.

The next boy approaching me came swinging but I managed to move out the way and grabbed his arm, putting it through the hole of the cart and twisting it quickly so that his arm went limp.

The same girl that thrown me into the boxes charges to me and throws us into the cart beside us.

Out of breath, I notice Parker standing there helpless.

I look down to see the metal pole that dripped with fresh blood, I moved my eyes from him to the corner and notice a man bruised up. Dead or alive, we will never know.

"Parker quit standing there!" I shout at him. 

I look back to the girl but she had punched me nearly out of my consciousness.

I fall back from the impact and try to grab the pole that Parker dropped but she kicked me hard in the ribs.

I slightly cringe by her impact.

Just as I thought she was going to punch me once more; she charges at Parker and the same shaved boy takes her place.

He straddles my waist putting all his weight so I couldn't move. That only made me fight back even more but I was helpless.

𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑶𝑭 𝑶𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑵 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now