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That morning I wake up to the buzz of an electric razor. Tobias stands in front of the mirror, his head tilted so he can see the corner of his jaw.

I hug my knees, covered by the sheet, and watch him.

"Good morning," he says. "How did you sleep?"

"Okay." I get up, and as he tilts his head back to address his chin with the razor, I wrap my arms around him, pressing my forehead to his back where the Dauntless tattoo peeks out from beneath his shirt.

He sets the razor down and folds his hands over mine. Neither of us breaks the silence. I listen to him breathe, and he strokes my fingers idly, the task at hand forgotten.

"I should go get ready," I say after a while. I am reluctant to leave, but I am supposed to work in the laundry rooms, and I don't want the Amity to say I'm not fulfilling my part of the deal they offered us.

"I'll see you down at the dining hall." Four replies returning to what he was doing.

I changed into an orange, near red coloured dress. I tried to avoid wearing dresses but there were no other clothes in my drawer. I wrapped a green cotton cardigan around me and look in the mirror.

"This is so fucking ugly." I shake my head, walking out the room.

I walked into the hall to see Lyla on her tippy toes as she tries to scoop some food onto her plate.

I shake my head at the state of her before going to her.

"You could've asked someone for some help?" I tell her as I scoop what she wanted onto her plate.

"I just wanted to challenge myself!" Lyla exclaims.

When I hand Lyla her plate she walks away to sit next to another group of kids. Maybe she's giving them a chance after all?

I walk back to the line to get a plate. Four was there.

"Go with happiness!" The boy behind the counter beamed to me.

I slightly cringed before gently grinning back.


"Coming through on your right!"

"Hey! Look a rainbow, Isn't it pretty?"

I look to the corner of my eye as the haunting figure stood next to me. 

"Virtual pathological friendliness with unquestioned pacifism, I love this place!" Peter excitingly says.

"Thank you, go with happiness." Peter winks back to the girl.

"Oop, excuse me." He says as he pushes next to me.

"What's gotten you in such a great mood?" I ask him.

"Oh well, just the fact you made a complete fool out of yourself yesterday really lifted my spirits." He replies.

"Hey, Quinn, forgot to mention but I really like your hair, by the way. Did you try to cut it short and weird like that?"

"Well actually-"

"Peter, why don't you take your food and sit down, huh?" Four interrupts me.

"Or what? I don't think things could get much worse by the looks of yesterday, besides, I think we should stick together now we're all officially fugitives." He winks back at me.

I sarcastically grin back at him. 

"Hey, what do you mean by, officially fugitives?" Parker asks as he catches up with us. 

"Oh, you don't know?" Peter looks to Parker. 

"You didn't tell Parker?" Peter whispers back to me. 

𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑶𝑭 𝑶𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑵 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now