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I stand in the middle of Abnegation as their homes almost swallow me whole and the crisp fire is smelt in the air. I look around me and I see families, women, men, and children screaming and running. I try to run along with them but I'm stuck, it's almost like my legs don't want to move. Eric and Max are one of many Dauntless members that I see swarming the homes. Their guns up to their chest as they search each home. They eventually stand from a distance and face me.

"There she is!" Eric called.

Eric and Max are now running to me and my legs manage to free themselves as I run down the path, gunshots are heard from the background and I try my best to dodge them. I turn a corner but I'm shot in the arm, I fall to the ground, my hand putting pressure on the wound and I manage to crawl my way into one of the houses, I shut the door behind me and I lie weakly on the cool floor. My breath stops midway and my body tenses as I hear footsteps approach closer to where I hid, but they eventually died off. I sigh in relief. I look around to the house I'm in and notice a man scavenging into the ground.

"What are you doing." I managed to say even from the pulsing pain.

The man frantically looks up, his face filled with a worried expression and he shuts whatever he was looking for.

"You didn't see me." He whispered before running away into the open.

"But wait!" I yell back as I try to get up from the floor with support of the wall.

I run to follow him and I'm back into the Abnegation streets. I look curiously around me to find the man, but from the running crowd it was too difficult to spot him. I was alone in the streets of Abnegation, I didn't know what to do, where to go and I almost felt like giving up. Why was I here?

"Quinn!" A familiar, comfortable voice calls out.

I turn my head and see Four running up to me.

"You're hurt." Four worriedly says, looking to my arm.

"I'll be fine." I pant as he takes my waist and we run away.

We are now running into the streets of the city. The alleyways are all too familiar and anxiety flows through my body. We hide behind a wall as Four looks out to see if we are clear. I look behind me and notice the same man I saw earlier stand at the bottom of the alleyway. I didn't have time to look at him properly, and the light in this direction makes him slightly glow, as though he was heavenly.

"Quinn, we need to go!" Four orders, grabbing my hand as he drags me out into the open again.

"No! Look there's a man." I stop him as I turn back to the man opposite the alleyway.

A gunshot is heard close to me and Four's body drops to the ground, I immediately look back to Four and drop alongside him and shake his body.

"Four! Four!" I call out.

I look up from me and see the other Dauntless soldiers approach us, their guns are raised and I feel trapped. I close my eyes shut, waiting for the familiar sound of a gunshot to be released but it never comes. 

I open my eyes, terrified, my hands clutching at the sheets. But I am not running through the streets of the city or the corridors of Dauntless headquarters. I am in a bed in Amity headquarters, and the smell of sawdust is in the air.

I shift, and wince as something digs into my back. I reach behind me, and my fingers wrap around the gun.

For a moment I see my mum standing before me, both our guns between us—the sense of betrayal lingered between us.

𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑶𝑭 𝑶𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑵 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now