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Afternoon rolled quickly, Lisa was way better now then they thought, she was able to speak without shuttering, can sit on her own and even can walk a bit with someone's help. They all were inside the room she was in, they had lunch here only. As they wanted to make the girl eat, and didn't want her to feel left out.

After having a silent peaceful lunch they told her about everything that happened as she was caged. She was shocked knowing so many years passed by while she was caged.

Taekook told her everything about how they died, how they were reborn in different places and how they met. The whole journey to get to this island, and then the troubles they faced after getting here. Everyone felt like they were listening to some movie scenes as taekook told the whole thing.

Even tho they all were together, it's still felt like nothing would be real. But they know it is. Lisa smiled softly as they told how Jennie helped them. The smile made the seven male's confused.

"So that means, you are Jungkook and Taehyung. Not jeongguk and tae Hyun,right." She asked pointing at the two, they nodded their heads.

"That's good, I will call him kook and you taetae." Lisa spoke with a soft giggle. The giggle made everyone laugh, they can't believe this girl is still so cute and beautiful even after being caged for years.

"You seem very happy." Jin asked, she looked at his direction and nodded.

"I am, why won't I be. I got to live with jeongguk and tae Hyun and no I will live with Jungkook and Taehyung. And you all also, isn't it great?" She asked, Jin can't help but nod with a soft smile. This girl is truly very kind and sweet the same way he read about her.

"Ok, but I still don't remember any of their names. Can you all introduce yourself again." She asked with a small pout, they all chuckled.

"Why not, let me start. I am park Jimin, an omega, moon goddess son and their mate." Jimin spoke smiling that made his eyes disappear, Lisa gasped at his Introduction.

"Oh my, you are moon goddess son. Wow!!" She spoke with excitement feel eyes.

"I am jung Hoseok, beta and their mate." Hoseok spoke with his sunshine smile, she nodded with a smile.

"I am min yoongi, an alpha and their mate." Yoongi spoke with a gummy smile, she nodded with a wide smile too.

"I am Kim seokjin world wide handsome, a true blood Omega, his mate." Jin introduced, Lisa giggled at the introduction.

"I am Kim namjoon, true blood Alpha, Jin's mate." Namjoon spoke smiling that made his dimples to show.

"Wow!! You all are so sweet. It will be fun living with so many beautiful and handsome people." She joked.

"Won't you greet me?" A voice came making Lisa wide her eyes, they all looked around but saw no one. The place near the window started to be surrounded by green fog as Jennie appeared their.

"Jen." Lisa spoke with tears in her eyes.

"Liz, I missed you so much. I... I should have been here when you were in problem." Jennie spoke as she came near lisa, tears dropping from both of their eyes.

"It's fine, you didn't know something like this would happen." Lisa spoke as she opened her arms asking the girl to hug her. Others looked at the two with confused expression.

"You know her, Lisa?" Tae asked.

"Yeah, she is...she is mate taetae." Lisa spoke with a soft smile, their eyes went wide. They weren't able to believe what they are hearing is right or not.

"How...when you got to know about this. And why didn't you told us about this?" Jungkook asked.

"We were twins and we were supposed to meet our mates on the same day. The day there wasn't any party or ceremony, cause of all that mess. You were in your own room with tae I guess. And others were also in their own rooms. I wasn't feeling well and went to roam in the garden of the castle and that time I caught the scent of my mate---...."

Lisa than told how she met Jennie that night, how they both started to meet daily to get to know about each other. After Lisa got to know Jennie was a witch, she got scared of what might her family say about this and so she thought to hide this till she gets a good opportunity to tell this to everyone.

Jennie wasn't a great witch that time, she was a trainee. And was being taught how to use her magic and all, when that day all those chaos happened during the crown ceremony. Lisa was sad, Jennie came to meet her and tell her that she was going to the place their god lives, so she can complete her training.

Lisa cried knowing this and asked other to meet her soon. Jennie promised that she will be always there for her, Lisa was afraid of losing the two of his close ones and asked Jennie to promise her that she will protect the two at any cost.

The day when all that tragic things happened, Jennie wasn't present in the island. After a few days she returned, but was shocked knowing the disasters on the island. She went on for searching Lisa, but found nothing. Till that day when she helped taekook she had been finding the girl and she got know only her brother and brother in law, who were killed and will be reborn can find Lisa. And so she waited for the two to come and find her mate.

As they got know about this, everyone had tears in their eyes. Those cruel people had no heart, they destroyed so many life's without even thinking once.

"You know Lisa we have supported you at any situation." Tae spoke as he wiped his tears.

"I know, but whenever I tried to say this. Something bad happened and I stopped." Lisa spoke.

"It's fine, now that we know. We all will support you both. And isn't it great you will live with us in the castle along with Jennie." Jungkook spoke as he wiped off the tears from his sister's cheeks, she nodded her head with a wide smile.

"Oh talking about living in a castle, the locals had already started to proceed towards the island. That is what I came to tell. They all got to know that the curse is over now. The moment you both took her out, the curse was taken back and the locals were immediately informed by the people the moon goddess sent. The locals will be arriving on the island till tomorrow." Jennie informed them making them sigh.

"Guess, we will rest after everything ends properly." Jin spoke.

"Hmm, we should start the preparation of kook's crown ceremony, the day after the arrival of locals we have to make him the king." Namjoon spoke.

"Yeah let's start the process, and preparation. We have many things to do." Yoongi spoke.

"Yeah, we have to first make castle look like a royal place not a creepy house." Jimin spoke.

"No need to worry about that, there are three people between us who can get the whole Island like before. Beautiful and cozy, along with the castle." Jennie spoke as she pointed at her, Jin and Jimin.

They all smiled, while taekook sighed. They don't know why but, they aren't happy through all this. It's feels like their heart don't want this. They thought maybe they are feeling like this because of what happened in past, and with this thought they ignored that feeling and got involved in the conversation. Only if they knew...


To be continue...

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss....

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