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They all were tensed, anxious and worried for the male being an ice statue. Jennie cleared her throat to speak out a way to protect Jungkook.

"I have a way, but if that tae had to sacrifice and put his own life in danger." Jennie spoke making everyone frown.

"But how, and why just him?" Jimin asked.

"It can be just done by tae, as he is jungkook's mate. I have a power where I can divert and put the curse on someone other than the person who has the curse. That means tae will turn into an ice statue, and Jungkook can easily save him after being normal." Jennie spoke, tae and everyone was shook by this.

"Ok, start the process and convert me into the ice." Tae spoke making everyone look at him, while Jungkook so wanted to shake his head and say no to tae but he can't.

"You sure, cause it will have a time limit. If Jungkook didn't able to get that swords on time, you will never be normal." Jennie warned.

"I sure, I have faith in him. He can get the swords within the time. Start the process." Tae spoke wiping his tears, all of them stayed quite. They knew tae is a smart person and he won't take a wrong decision, honestly they all knew Jungkook will be able to get that swords at any cost.

Jennie nodded as she asked tae to put his right hand over jungkook's left shoulder. She chanted some chants and the ice started to disappear from jungkook's head, but tae's legs started to turn into ice. Once the ice disappeared from jungkook's face he took a deep breath and looked at tae who smiled at him.

"You can do it, I have trust on you." Tae spoke and his turned into an ice statue. A year slipped from jungkook's eyes as he looked at Jennie.

"Tell me where are those swords. I will get them as soon as possible." Jungkook spoke with desperation and determination.

"It will be somewhere near this place, we have to search it." She spoke making Jungkook groan in irritation.

"Do you even have a full knowledge of anything. Fine tell me how much time do I have to get those swords." Jungkook asked.

"You have to get those swords before this sands get poured down fully. Do your best." Jennie spoke as a ⏳ (I don't remember what it is said) appreaed in her hands.

" Jennie spoke as a ⏳ (I don't remember what it is said) appreaed in her hands

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"I will come to help you find the swords." Namjoon spoke, Jungkook nodded they both ran around different places around where they were. They both finally came in front of two doors. One was shining brightly and other was covered with dust and branches.

"Should we go in both the doors one by one?" Jungkook asked, namjoon shook his head as he walked to read the words written near the doors.

'Go inside once and never be back again.'

Namjoon read out the words and they both looked at each other." We can go just in one. " He spoke.

"I think this is the one which have the swords inside." Jungkook spoke pointing at the shining door. But namjoon shook his head.

THE TREASURE HUNT.(✓)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat