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They all walked in the dark side of the forest, just some rays of sunlight were coming through the space between the tall trees. The light was enough to let you see the way and people's faces.

The sound of air hitting the trees was making a scary sound. Four of them were looking around the four sides, so they can be known to the danger coming ahead.

Jungkook frowned when he saw a cave on his right. He narrowed his eyes to confirm he was seeing the right thing.

"Guys, there's a cave here." He spoke making everyone look at the direction Jungkook was pointing.

"Should we go and check what's inside?" Tae asked making Jungkook give him a 'are you serious ' look.

"Why do you want to go and see what's inside. Are you planning to live here forever?" Jungkook asked.

"No, but I have a feeling we should go and see it." Tae spoke, not really in the mood to fight or argue with other at this moment.

"Fine, are you both ok with this?" Jungkook asked to sope, they just shrugged having no reason to decline going inside.

Four of them walked inside the cave, it was made in a big stone, as they got inside it was dark, they took out their torcher to see what was inside. The cave had nothing much just big stones on different sides. It was big enough for atleast 10 people to get inside.

"Ok, should we leave." Yoongi asked.

Tae nodded and they all walked out. They had walked quite far than the cave, they were just walking and walking. Had no food, except some fruits that also got finished an hour ago. They can see the sun was about to set as the ray were now getting dim.

They thought to collect some wooden sticks so that they Brun it to get some light and  can stay at somewhere to spend the night with the light around them.

Yoongi halted on his track as he sensed something more like someone's present near them. Seeing yoongi looking around other three stopped too.

"What happened?" Hoseok asked.

"There's someone around us, I can sense it." Yoongi spoke as Suga told him about this.

"Who can be here apart from us." Tae asked.

"They can be." Jungkook spoke pointing at a direction where everyone looked their eyes went wide when they saw several zombies walking from the bushes coming close to them.

"Oh shit." Tae cursed as he saw them.

"Guys run!!!" Yoongi shouted, he held hoseok's hand and started to run on the way they just came from, because the zombies were coming from their front.

"God, we can't even fight with them." Jungkook groaned.

"We have to run faster and find a place to hide." Hoseok shouted, they looked back while running and found the zombies were following them.

"How the fuck are they walking so fast,--ouch." Tae was speaking when  sharp bushes cut his ankle, he fell on th ground. Jungkook slowed down a little to see if tae is following them or not.

"You all run to the cave, I am coming." Tae shouted, trying to get up and run, but his leg was hurting badly. Jungkook shook his head as he ran back towards tae, he took tae's bag and swiftly lifting tae in bridal style he started to run.

"Jungkook put me down you will get tired carrying me and running." Tae spoke.

"I can run, you just hold me tightly and close your eyes." Jungkook spoke as he ran. Yoongi and hoseok were ahead of them, running holding hands.

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