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Taekook and yoonseok followed Jimin as they walked on a path which had either side gardens and farms.

"You know all of these gardens and farms are owned by my hyung. Yeah he doesn't work here himself, he has workers. But isn't it beautiful, I had planted those flowers, wow they are grown already. I can't believe, it feels like I had planted them yesterday. It's so beautiful, I feel proud seeing them all grown up." Jimin spoke, as he moved his hands telling about each and every plant he had planted.

"He speaking nonstop, don't his mouth hurt speaking so much." Jungkook spoke shaking his head.

"I guess he is habitual of speaking so much." Tae spoke with a giggle.

"What are you finding so funny, god I feel like my mouth is hurting seeing him talking like this." Jungkook spoke.

"He is cute, you know. He is looking like an innocent kid rambelling Infront of his relatives." Tae spoke, Jungkook frowned at the words.

"What? Cute? Really, you found him cute. If I would be speaking this much you would have tapped my mouth." Jungkook spoke with an eye roll.

"That's because he is younger than me. And I already like him. Look he is so small and cute like small kitten." Tae spoke cooeing at Jimin who was too busy to acknowledge their talks.

"Don't tell me you are going to say you would like to make him your mate. Because you can't." Jungkook spoke, voice turning a bit stern. Tae looked at him with narrow eyes.

"May I know, why I can't?" Tae asked, even he wasn't thinking something like this but he still wanted to know why the alpha was saying this.

"Because... Because you are a rear wolf and rear Wolf's have fated mates." Jungkook reasoned out looking away from tae, he don't know why but he didn't liked the idea of tae even thinking of making someone his mate.

"I know that, and even tho I wasn't a rear wolf. Wouldn't have make him my mate, cause we both are omega's." Tae spoke with a shrug, Jungkook nodded with a small smile as he sighed in relief.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you all. Are you all hungry? Of course you must be, what kind of question I am asking. Travelling from such a big forest definitely had made you all tired and hungry as hell. Don't worry Jin hyung had prepared lots and lots of delicious food for you all." Jimin spoke smiling at them, Jungkook smiled hearing the word food.

"That's good to know, by the way Jimin what is your name?" Tae asked suppressing his giggles, Jungkook along with yoonseok shook their head at the silly question, they thought Jimin will say something like, 'you just took my name that means you know my name' but they all were surprised when Jimin started to tell his name in detail to tae.

"My name is Kim Jimin. J-I-M-I-N that's my name. It's not too long, not too short. I love my name, but my hyungs sometimes call me mochi or chim as according to them I am sweet like mochi and cute like a chick." Jimin spoke giggling to himself.

(Indian's will know about this dialogue 'basanti Tera naam kya hai?' 😜 that's one of my favourite movie)

"This boy seriously telling us his name even after tae asked his name after calling his name." Hoseok spoke, yoongi looked at him with a 'what the fuck' look.

"Seok, you know your sounding so senseless. Do you, yourself understand what you are saying?" Yoongi asked.

"We are here, that's my house. Come inside." Jimin spoke as he stepped on the small stairs that lead them to the main door.

"Finally we are here, I was getting tired of hearing his talks non stop." Jungkook spoke sighing in relief.

"Welcome guys. I am Kim namjoon, come inside." A tall male with dimple smile showed up as the door got open. The four people thanked him and went inside, they all got settled on the couche as Jimin went to get them water.

"I hope you all are fine, please make yourself comfortable. "Namjoon spoke.

"Oh my, finally you all are here." They all flinched at the loud voice as they saw a handsome male coming out from the kitchen, wide board shoulder, a wide smile.

"Hello, I am Kim seokjin, you all can call me Jin hyung. I am older than you all, and I am world wide handsome." The male named Jin introduced himself. The four exchanged looks.

"Joonie Taehyung is way more beautiful than he looks in that. I can't believe people with this much angelic look can exit in this world." Jin squealed as he tried to get near tae who smiled shyly at the comment.

"Stay away." Jin backed away immediately hearing the growl. Jungkook glared at the male who just rolled his eyes. 'Alpha's are way too possessive and him. I am not even surprised.' Jin thought.

"Don't worry I am no harm to you all." Jin tired to assure.

"How can we believe you, huh?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, he is right. You know our names, know from where we are coming, already knew that we have crossed the forest. You aren't normal and that's why we can't trust you all." Yoongi spoke in a cold tone.

"Yoongi, we will tell you all everything. Atleast have something you all must be really hungry." Namjoon spoke.

"How can we believe you are not going to feed us something bad, like maybe some sedation, or anything like that." Hoseok asked raising his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, we don't rob people like you both." Jimin spoke coming out with glass of water. Yoongi glared at Jimin, but his eyes immediately soften as younger looked at him.

"Guys, you don't believe in us. So believe in moon goddess, she will never let you get any harm. Have food then we will talk in details." Namjoon spoke.

The four looked at each other and agreed, Jin smiled as he went to set table for everyone. The food was indeed too delicious, after all it was made by Jin. And all of them were so hungry that they just concentrated on eating forgetting everything.

"The food was very tasty, thank you for the meal." Tae spoke politely smiling at Jin.

"You are welcome, and I feel glad you all liked my food." Jin spoke smiling at everyone. They all got settled on the couches again.

"Now, please tell us how do you know who we are, where are we coming and where we have to go." Hoseok asked.

"By the third and last part of the book of BANGTAN ISLAND." Namjoon spoke with a sigh, tae kook looked at each with wide eyes. They were right, the third part was with someone just like they had the first and second parts.


To be continue...

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