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Flashback continues....

The years passed as the babies started to grew up. The three had great bond among themselves, and with both taehee and king Junghyun.

Three of them used to call king appa and taehee mama. The maids and guards of the castle used to address tae-hyun prince too, even after taehee asked them not too. Junghyun and taehee were now bestes friends. Sharing each other's problem and happiness was now normal for them.

The kids were now 5 years old, they all used to run around the castle and play together. The maids and guards used to play with them sometimes, everyone loved the prince and princess but tae-hyun was the eye candy of the castle.

He was loved by every single human that lived or worked inside the castle. The small omega was a naughty being, he loved to prank or play acts with the maids, who were never able to say no to the fluffy ball.

Tae-hyun was everyone's favourite that includes the prince jeongguk too. But for taehee jeongguk was the eye candy, the young alpha was a duplicate copy of his mother, and that made taehee love him a bit more. He reminded her hyee-in whenever she used to look at the young jeongguk.

While the outside people had believed that Junghyun had officially made tae-hyun his son. Even after king's clear words that tae-hyun is like his son not his own son they are believing what they want too.


The three munchkins were now around 8 years old, as the next head alpha jeongguk was now about to start his training. He was asked if he was ok or wanted to start the training from next year. But the prince was more mature than they thought, he asked the king to start his training.

The little tae Hyun was left alone to play with the maids as Lisa was also trained as a princess. Being bored all alone he went to the training camp to meet his ggukie.

"GGUKIEEE." The 8 year old tae-hyun called more like shouted catching the alpha's attention, the other alpha who were trained at that field looked at the small pretty omega.

Jeongguk was asked to run around the ground, hearing the similar voice he stopped and looked at the small cute omega who waved at him.

Jeongguk rushed to Taehyun. Other alpha's started to do what they were doing again.

"What are you doing here bear?" He asked huffing because of running.

"I was bored there. So came to see you." The beautiful omega spoke with his cute boxy smile.

"Hmm, but you know you can't come here. Mama told you I will be doing training now. It's not safe for you to be here." Jeongguk spoke in a soft tone.

"But I want to be with you." Tae-hyun spoke with a cute pout on his face.


"Tae Hyun, what are you doing here?" Junghyun asked as he saw the small omega.

"Appa, I also want to train with ggukie." Tae Hyun spoke showing his puppy eyes, Junghyun looked at jeongguk who was looking at him with hopeful eyes too.

"What if I let you get train at castle?" Junghyun asked, but tae Hyun immediately shook his head, making the king sigh.

"Gguk stay with him I am coming." The king spoke and walked towards the trainer that used to trainer all the alpha's in the island.

Jeongguk stayed with tae Hyun holding his hands until king talked with the trainer. The king called them by his hand motion.

"Tae Hyun, he is your trainer. You have to work hard, and if you want you can stop this training whenever you want." Junghyun spoke with a smile, both of their face lit up.

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