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"By the last and third part of the book BANGTAN ISLAND." Namjoon spoke, taekook looked at each other thinking they were absolutely right. There is another person who have this book.

"And by my Magic ball." Jin spoke making them confuse.

"Magic ball?" Hoseok asked.

"Hmm, hyung have a magic ball in which he can see some parts of future, present(different places) and past." Jimin explained.

"Really? But -" yoongi wasn't understanding if they should believe these people or not. They might be lieing too.

"Don't worry yoongi, we aren't lieing. I really had the book and we know everything about the BANGTAN ISLAND and the treasure." Namjoon spoke, the four looked at each other.

"Then tell us about the island, why is it so mysterious. Why do people don't know about this island much, why isn't known as dangerous?" Jungkook asked he was getting too curious to know about the island.

"I will tell you all everything, but not now. It's not the right time." Namjoon spoke.

"Why? And when this right time will come?" Tae asked raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry tae, it's not too far. Everything is already written in fate, and let it go accordingly." Jin spoke with a smile.

"So does this mean you will come with us on this journey too?" Yoongi asked, the three nodded.

"But don't worry, we won't take a single thing or money from the treasure." Jin spoke when he saw the four's faces. He giggled as they stared at him with wide eyes.

"Just think, it was destined by moon goddess. She wanted all of us to be together. Why? You will know the answer soon." Jin spoke smiling at them, they all nodded as they can't do anything else.

"You all rest tonight here. We will leave for haggard desert tomorrow." Namjoon spoke, they all nodded understanding they really have to wait for more to know about everything.

"By the way, why do you all wear hanboks?" Tae asked as he noticed the three were wearing hanboks.

"Oh, just we like them. It makes us to connect with our culture." Jin spoke. Tae nodded.

They were escorted to their room, Jimin asked if tae was ok living in his room and tae nodded happily why won't he, after all who will say no to this cute little mochi. While a person rolled his eyes at the smily face of tae.

'why do he like this midget? What's so interesting in him, I find him so annoying.' Jungkook thought looking at Jimin who was happily skipping to the guest room followed by yoonseok who seemed lost somewhere.

"I want to talk to you , follow me." Jungkook spoke to tae who frowned.

"God knows what runs in this bunny like Wolf's head." Tae mumbled as he followed the alpha.

"They are so domestic." Jin giggled, namjoon hummed and prayed these two remain together. Will moon goddess listen to him?

"What happened now?" Tae asked as he stood near Jungkook, who was staring at the sky which was getting pink as the sun was set.

"What do you think, why did our Wolf's behaved like that?" Jungkook asked out of sudden, his eyes stuck on the sky as he was still embarrassed because of his Wolf's deeds.

"Speaking honestly, I don't know. Why was beast behaving like that all of sudden. She had never been like this, as much as I remember. She hates when any alpha gets near her." Tae spoke remembering all the times when he used to go on run and if any alpha tired to get close to beast, beast used to growl loudly that made the alpha's scared of her.

(Beast Is an omega and that's why it is addressed as She. If any of you were confused because of this, I thought to clear it.)

"Is it, than why she let Lucifer close to her?" Jungkook asked looking at tae who shook his head.

"Don't know, she says she doesn't know it as well. I tried to ask her, but this is the response she gave me." Tae spoke with a sigh.

"Lucifer behaved different too, he usually hate to get close to anyone or would be angry even if someone is near me. But today he was all different, don't know what had gotten in him." Jungkook spoke with a frown.

"I feel like, there's way too much hidden from us that we can't even imagine. See we both got those 2 parts of the book, than we started the journey together to get Treasure. Met yoongi and hoseok hyung, and now we met namjoon hyung, Jin hyung and Jimin. Namjoon hyung have the third part of the book, everything seem like it was all meant to happen.

As if there's something that want us to go to BANGTAN ISLAND. You think, the tribals who are too dangerous helped us, we were saved by those zombies and we even crossed the scary forest." Tae spoke with a deep frown, his heart was saying that there's too much that is yet to be revealed.

"Hmm, you are right. I feel like BANGTAN ISLAND is pulling us. As if there's something that need us in that Island. Someone is calling us there." Jungkook spoke looking at the sky, he feels like someone is waiting for them in that Island.

They sighed as they both felt tired pf thinking, it was too tiredsome for them to go through all these within just a week. It's been a week Jungkook left from his house, they met and this journey began.

"Tae, come I will show you my room." Jungkook rolled his eyes as Jimin came running and pulled tae with him inside.

"Why he have to be everywhere?" Jungkook spoke gritting his teeths, as he looked at tae and Jimin disapperaing in the room.

Later in night as the sun set they all had their dinner. They were all tired and thought to sleep early.

The next morning came quickly, Jungkook, yoongi, hoseok along with namjin were in the living room having their respective tea and coffee.

Jungkook was happily sipping coffee made my Jin. But his smile dropped as he heard the giggling sound, tae and Jimin walked out of the room giggling on God knows which topic. But Jungkook wasn't the only one whose smile dropped.

Yoongi and hoseok had a frown too as they saw Jimin had his arm hooked with tae.

"Wooh!! Jimin tae, you both seem too close already huh?" Jin spoke taemin nodded.

"Yes, we are. After all we are soulmates hyung." Jimin criped smiling.

"You are what?" Jungkook asked staring right in jimin's eyes who gulped feeling scared by the alpha's stare, while the glare didn't affected him, he just rolled his eyes.

"We are soulmates, do you have any problem with that?" Tae asked raising an eyebrow, Jungkook just looked away.

"No why will I have any prObLEm." Jungkook spoke in a taunting tone.

"You both are omega's how come you are soulmates?" Yoongi asked in an annoyed tone.

"Oh god, not that lover like soulmate. We are bestest friends and so we are soulmates." Jimin explained, yoonseok and Jungkook nodded sighing in relief.

"Believe me joonie, these two are our chim's mate." Jin spoke through mind link.

"I also think like that." Namjoon replied.

"Ok, ok guys let's have breakfast we have to leave too." Jin spoke diverting the attention towards him. They all nodded and went to have the breakfast made specially by Jin.


To be continue...

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