O N E . T H R E E

Start from the beginning

"Bellamy!" Abigail scolded, sensing the tension of the moment and trying to calm the waters. "We're sorry," she apologized for him, even though he had no intention of doing so, "Of course we will, we understand that your people have traditions and we want to be able to learn from them, you can tell Coriane that we will be happy to accept any invitation."

Bellamy rolled his eyes and not waiting to hear any more of that stupidity, he strided out of the place, ignoring the calls of Abigail and Kane behind him.

Coriane might as well stop meddling in his life, and his damn head too. 


"This will be the last time I say this, Eddard: we're not here to talk about Clarke Griffin, we're here to talk about Tributum, I have no idea where Wanheda is, and lastly, I don't even care where Wanheda is."
"So you're just going to keep ignoring all this like it's nothing?" Asked the man, pounding a fist on the table.
"Exactly what I just said, yes."
"Can you please stop fighting like children and act like adults?" Melisandre interjected, fed up with the bickering that had taken up nearly 20 minutes already. "What Coriane said is true, Eddard, we are here for Tributum and Tributum alone."
"Then we'll celebrate while a huge menace walks free out there."
"Eddard, enough," Dominic spoke up.

They had been arguing for almost 20 minutes —or rather listening to the Caeli do it—, and everyone had had enough. It was rare for Dominic to lose his patience, but the stifling atmosphere in the air and the heat in the room were signs that the meeting was hanging by a thread.

"Have you not thought how dangerous she is, how much danger our Sacralis might be in?"
"No, Eddard, I don't think I need to worry about that because I gave you specific orders on how to guard them, if you think you can't do your duty, that's no longer my issue."

The heat and the sweltering air began to subside at that moment, as she gave a sidelong glance at Dominic she noticed that the man had a proud little smile on his face and did not look as tense as he did a few moments ago.
Again looking at Eddard, a terrible satisfaction came over her when she saw the man's enraged face but she said nothing knowing that he had run out of credible arguments.

"The point is, Terra, sooner or later they're going to find her, whether it's Trikru or Azgeda or any of the other clans, and your secrets aren't going to protect her. And when that happens, it's going to be your fault."

The fury Coriane had felt before in that same place, arguing with the same man, returned in a familiar wave of explosive feelings that threatened to break through her barriers. She took three deep breaths in the poor attempt to calm those impulses that throbbed against her skin.
Coriane had only felt this wave of emotions once, but it seemed as if they had never left, as if they had simply been hidden in a deep corner waiting for the moment to reappear.

"Eddard..." Warned Dominic.
"You're afraid, Coriane, you're remorseful and the guilt is eating you alive, I just hope it does it quickly before you take us to the bottom with you."

There was no barrier that could contain her anymore, the power coursed through her from the tips of her toes to the last hair on her head. As Coriane stood up and slammed her hands on the table, the floor shook violently and dust fell from the ceiling, just like last time.


Dominic and Melisandre looked at the girl in surprise, their tension completely gone and instead replaced with awe. Eddard on the other hand only looked angry, but he had seen this side of Coriane and as with everything else, he simply considered her inferior.

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