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“You okay?” Precious asked me as she placed a hand on top of my own, her long perfect fingers, cradling mine in a soft hand hug– if I could call it that. I didn’t want to look at her, that look in her eyes was enough to make me feel sorry for myself. Instead, I paid attention to everything else in the hospital room. If I could even call it that, it had to be a pretty expensive hospital room because it seemed like I had an entire wing to myself. The room was huge, completed with pretty pink velvet chairs close to the bed, a sofa on the other side of the room, flat screen TV and a kitchenette. 

Precious had brought me to the hospital after she said that I passed out on her couch and wouldn’t wake up. They cleaned my wounds and stitched me up, and when I woke up Precious was sitting in a chair that she’d dragged from across the room to get closer to me. 

I sighed and cleared my throat, “ye…yeah, I’m okay.” I answered in a blatant lie. She knew I wasn’t okay, but I didn’t want to say it because I knew that she’d tell me that everything was okay and end up blaming herself for my situation. “You, er, you didn’t tell my parents, right?” I asked her, finally looking away from the light grey walls of the hospital room, and shifting my eyes to the brown orbs that peered at me with concern. 

Precious pursed her lips and shook her head, “no…no, I didn’t.” I didn’t say anything for a moment, my eyes on her beautiful face. Precious was a beautiful girl with a light beige skin complexion and big beautiful curly hair that fell to the middle of her back. She had heart shaped lips, slanted eyes as if she were part Asian, a turned up nose, warm brown orbs and the most flawless skin on a person. She was always the perfect one, always the prettiest from all of the girl cousins, always the prettiest one between the two of us, and she didn’t need makeup to look pretty but she always wore it. She wore heavy makeup and it looked just as good on her, but right now her hair was in a high bun, her face clear of any make up and I hate to say it, but she looked even more beautiful. 

Precious had a heart of gold too, she was always kind and funny, and sweet and caring, she could say the most unhinged shit, but everyone knew that she didn’t mean it. Of course, when it didn’t come to sugar daddies, that is. She’d always been popular, and I don’t think there are more than just a handful of people who could say anything bad about her. 

“Good,” I said, nodding my head, “thank you. I just need to figure this whole thing out by myself,” I explained with a heavy breath as I propped my pillow behind me and pulled my hand away from hers. What was I going to tell my parents? That’s the scariest thought of all, going home, or having them find out about this. My dad would want to do something about this, and at this point, I just wanted to forget all about it. I felt embarrassed more than anything, I felt like if I told people what had happened they’d laugh at me, ask me how I got so hurt by a teenager, I don’t know. People aren’t as gracious as they make themselves out to be. 

The door to the room suddenly opened and Mbali practically ran into the room. Precious and I looked at her in surprise as she looked at me in the same surprise, “Nomzamo!” she ran towards me, “oh my God,” she threw her arms around me and hugged me. Precious stood up and went to close the door, coming back to her seat and that’s when Mbali finally pulled herself away from my body, looking down at me with tear stricken eyes. “I came as soon as I could,” she explained and I couldn’t help the smile on my face because I missed her. Mbali lived the furthest away, 4 hours to be exact, and her being here meant the world to me. 

“Thank you for coming,” I said with a grin, and then hissed at the pain on my face– my smiling hurt the left side of my face– and I immediately stopped. Mbali rushed to place her hand on my arm, apologising as if it were her fault. I shook my head to try and tell her that it wasn’t. 

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