Getting to know her

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Liv's: POV
We were all out at the beach the kids were playing with Maya. Maya took a extreme liking to Francesca from the moment she meant, yeah she liked Xander but it was something different about Francesca maybe because she was so much like Lena. Affectionate and care Free
I was getting to know Stephanie Lena's wife from what I could tell Stef appeared to be very loving towards her children, l see how much Lena loves Stef. She gave me a brief history about her black round, she reminded me so much of my Alex feisty and full of life. Stef studied at Harvard law school, Stef told me all about her parents
Then Stef told me how she and Lena met. I turned my head to check up on the kids, they were making sand castles. So Stef as you know my wife and I have been Lena's Godmother's since she was a little girl, Elizabeth Lena's mother and I went to the same college. That's when she came to the united States, she came to America from London. We lost touch after we graduated from college
She went off to medical school. So ten years later Elizabeth called me out of the blue telling me that she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, me and Alex were dating. She never knew about my sexuality and I didn't tell her, but deep down inside l think she knew
So I flew out to Savannah Georgia. When I got there
Elizabeth introduced me to Lena, l held her in my hands
She was the most sweetest babies. She asked me and Alex to be her Godmother's, we agreed at that time l don't know anything about the birth father. The only thing she said they met while she was doing her internship in California, it wasn't my place to judge so I listened instead
Then she got pregnant with Nadia. She looked so much like Lena, it was by the same man Elizabeth revealed that Johnathan was married. I knew she was setting herself up for heartbreak, he came around a few times to see the girls. Olivia said to me, what about Christine Stef asks
Elizabeth had a surrogate because the doctor informed her it would be dangerous for her to have another child
So she had her eggs frozen. There's probably a lot of things know when Lena came to live with us at sixteen after she came out to Elizabeth and came out as a Lesbian
Of course that conversation didn't go so well, she kicked her out. I never seen my Goddaughter so devastated before, once we picked Lena up from the airport and brought her back to the house we're she broke down in my wife's arms. Once Lena pulled herself together Lena told us what happened between Elizabeth and her, the names she said to her daughter were hurtful. Lena always was a sensitive soul growing up, but Elizabeth made Lena lose her confidence. Olivia States l couldn't believe what I was hearing about everything Lena endure with Elizabeth
She informed me a little bit how hard it was for her coming out to people that was closer to her, Stef l didn't tell you this to make you cry Liv tells me. These damn hormones Stef says to Olivia, don't worry it will past
I was like that when I was carrying Maya Olivia said
Momma where hungry Maya told her mama. Alright lady bug, Olivia reaches inside the cooler and pulls a peanut butter and marshmallows sandwich and gives it to Maya
Thank you mommy Maya takes a bite of her sandwich
Francesca and Xander, were having fried chicken macaroni and tuna salad for their. Stef woke up early
Fried up some chicken wings and made macaroni and tuna salad, Stef hopes her wife is okay. Everytime Stef looks at Francesca she sees Lena in their daughter

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