the insemination

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Stef's: POV
It's been a few days since we discussed about adding a baby in the mix. Here we are at Novant fertility clinic
An hour away from Hillsborough California, l had my check up with the doctor. All my labs came back great
We're sitting in the examining room waiting on Dr. Finch to come in to perform the insemination, l been taking the fertility medication every day. My gynecologist suggested
I eat three full meals a day, Lena makes me protein smoothies every morning. She makes sure l eat healthy
This kid better cute, where using Lena's left over eggs that was harvest when trying to get her pregnant. They implanted three embryos inside her uterus and the rest were put into a freeze until next time, Dr. Flinch enters the room with her nurse Maggie. She greets good morning
Sorry I took so long, she says to us. Stephanie l need to laid back down and insert your feet through the stir-ups
I did as instructed. I watched her put on the rubber gloves
The nurse moved the tray over we're l was Lena holds my hand, you might feel some lite pressure. What l'm gonna do is insert two healthy embryos inside your uterus with the fertilize eggs, it takes twenty to complete the process
Some women find it uncomfortable for a Doctor touching them. But l will make this as painless as possible
It works better for your partner to make you orgasm
No penetration sex for at least 72 hours that includes strap-on's vibrates and so on. Dr. Flinch explains the whole process, Lena and I have done a lot of research on insemination. It case your body rejects the implantation
You have to wait two weeks to redo the whole insemination, most of the patients l work with
Notice a difference within the first week after the procedure, you wanna stay off your feet for 24 hours
Means no heavy lifting nothing over fifty to sixty pounds is a definite no, no. You made experience some spotting
So freak out it only lasts a day or two. Now if you have severe cramping, call my office quick, your wife needs to massage your cervix gently. You can get dress l'm all finished, l'll let you lovely ladies have some privacy
Make sure you knock the door once we leave
I'll let them know at the front, not to disturb you for at least forty five minutes. Dr. Flinch says to us
I see the look Lena's giving me right now, l know as soon as the doctor leaves us. I'm gonna be in big trouble
Just thinking about is getting me all hot and bothered
Baby laid down and relax, so l can give you one hell of an orgasm. Of your life but you need to be quiet, or l will stop intermittently Lena Stated. I nod my head up and down
Babe what do you want me to use, my fingers or tongue
Lena asks me. Both but can you remove your jeans and panties l asked her, Lena let's out a deep sigh
She knows how spoiled I can be when it comes to getting my way. She made the door was locked then she begins to get undress, l watched every move she makes
I can just cum by watching her right now. I feel the wetness between my thighs, the temperature feels hot
Oh wait that's me. Better now love Lena said
Lena got straight down to business, but she stopped
Doing it feels so clinical and I rather be in comfort of our room honey. This whole thing makes me feel uncomfortable, if l'm being honest right now so let's go home. The kids will be away for the night. Lena States
Okay baby let's get dress, go home eat a little something
And relax, l don't know what Dr. Flinch was thinking when she suggested we have sex here in the examining room. Lena quickly gets her clothes back on, l'm nearly dressed before Lena, we both walked out hand in hand

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