kid free weekend

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Stef's: POV
I'm home waiting on Lena to get here while indulging a pint of chocolate ice cream. I know it's bad but l've been having strange cravings lately, these babies have me eating some of the weirdest things. Last night I had pizza with pineapples and mushrooms on top, Francesca and Xander were gone for the weekend. Giving Lena and I some time to ourselves, my sex drive has went through the roof, making me crave Lena's touch 24/7 l'm watching a movie on lifetime about somebody stalking somebody
Hopefully Lena brings my favorite snack cottage cheese and pears. She's been a real spot dealing with my mood swings and my constant crying over every little thing
So this what pregnancy feels like, l can't wait till it's over
I'm constantly hot and cold all the time. Lena's giving Nadia a cookout on Sunday, l offered to help but she wants me to stay off my feet. I had to take an early maternity leave from the DA'S office because my back was giving me trouble, luckily my boss approved it. But I can still work from home, which is a good thing because l am bored out of my mind. At least we have a desk top computer in our home office on the third floor, my best friend Teddy works at the hospital as a obstetrician
It's great to have friends in high places. I here a car pulled up in the driveway, that must be Lena, cause nobody can get in without being buzz in through the gate. We live in a quiet community, l got up from the couch and cleaned up the mess l made. I'm not trying to have Lena on my ass about having sweets, the doctor wants to watch out for my sugar intake. Because the last time we were at the doctor's office my sugar was a little higher than normal which scared us both, begin five months pregnant with twins. Wasn't no easy walk in the park, I see what Lena went through carrying Xander and Francesca. I have a high tolerance for pain, we stopped using toys two months ago. Lena doesn't wanna risk putting the girls in harms way, she's been so patient and nurturing. Tomorrow I have an appointment at the day spa for a pedicure manicure and full body massage. She said l deserve to be pampered like a queen and Lena treats me like one, Francesca tells me l am spoiled and I have Lena wrapped around my finger. Mom's coming down for the baby shower and she's planning on staying in the guest house, we get along better when we're apart. She's old fashioned. She never tolerated back talk from me growing up, so l hope the kids are on their best behavior while she's here, she recently just turned 66 years old but she thinks she's 25 again dressing all hip like these twenty year olds. Only if my dad can see her now, she has a boyfriend from what my aunt tells me. My mother's oldest sister, l hear Lena coming through the front door baby l'm home. Lena calls out, babe l'm in the kitchen Stef said
She walks through the kitchen carrying grocery bags
Lena sat them down on the counter, love how was your day. I asked her as she gives me a peck on the lips
Good and yours. But you smell like chocolate Lena winks at me and heads back out to get the rest of the groceries from the car, damn why didn't brush my teeth before she came. I guess l'm busted Lena didn't seem mad or anything, maybe she'll forget about it cause usually Lena gets pissed. Lena's in a good mood l'm hoping her and Alex made up because she's miserable, l know she was pretty upset about Alex knowing about her mother's illness before she did, she hasn't mentioned anything about Christine. That's a rather difficult subject nobody wants to bring up, cause they were once close and now distance. But Christine should told Lena about the letter instead of Nadia bringing it up to her, Christine appears to be jealous of Lena cause her mother entrusted Lena over her affairs. And not Christine, it was only a matter of time Christine's true colors came out, l don't judge
From my first time meeting her. She appeared to be high off of something,

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