heading to the airport

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Lena's: POV
Today has been a long exhausting day at the clinic
All l wanted to do was go home and spend time with my pregnant wife. The kids were invited to go camping with their friends parents, l checked my phone for messages
There was one from my baby sister Nadia asking me to pick her and janique up from the airport. I looked at the time on the wall, her flight is due to land in an hour from now. There's goes my plans, l called Stef and let her know
I'll be a little late coming home. She asked me to bring her home some checker fries and a large milk shake, my baby has been craving burgers fries and shakes. I made sure to lock up my office, l say good night to all my staff and head out the front door. Thank God tomorrow is Friday
I can sleep in late on Saturday, Alex called me a few days ago. I haven't returned her phone call, l'm just not ready to talk to her. I know l'm being stubborn for not calling her back, she kept important information about my mother a secret from me. I know she was only honoring mother's wishes, no matter how much I was still deeply hurting of how everything went down between my mother and I. She had no right, I know deep down her heart was in the right place. Olivia has called to give me a ear full, saying I shouldn't be mad at Alex and l shouldn't take my frustrations out on Alex. Of course she would take her wife's side, maybe in time l will forgive Alex but right now l have so many emotions l'm feeling. Fucked here l sit in the middle of a traffic jam, it's not even 5:00 yet
I texted Nadia and let her know I'm stuck in traffic and to wait for me. Cars are moving so slow they need to pick up the pace a little bit. They don't realize people have things to do, l haven't heard from Christine since she left and went back to Savannah Georgia. Maybe it's for the best
I hope she kicks this addiction for her son, from what Nadia told me that Christine is engaged. My mother said in her letter Christine has to find her own way, Christine and I use to be best friends when we were younger. She had dreams of starting her own business and opening up a bunch of restaurants, when did she become so cold hearted. I don't even know who she is anymore
Now traffic is speeding up, l can't let my mind go to that dark place. Christine was the only one that l was assaulted
I wonder how mother knew because l never told her unless she overheard Chris and I talking that night
It's a good thing l got gas earlier before coming into the office. My phone begins ringing, I pushed the button to answer it. I didn't even bother to look at the caller lD
Hello l said, hi sweetheart l hope this isn't a bad time
I know your still pretty mad at me. I know l was wrong for not telling you about your mother's illness, the night you came to us you were devastated. You and I have always been close, you were like the daughter l never had
I tried to wipe the tears that were rolling down my face
I just listened to Alex talk, honey are you still there Alex asked me. Yes l'm here Lena said, l was just looking through some of old photos of the three of us some from your high school graduation. A couple of ones from our vacations to the beach, and the trip you and l took to Paris for two weeks. There were a few with you and Liv
You were our daughter, you don't have to be blood related to have a child. Your mother appointed us your Godmother's when you and Nadia were younger, Christine already had her own. She entrusted Olivia and l
Before you ask she never knew that Liv and I were a couple, but deep down l think she knew you were in good hands Alex said, l'm sorry for avoiding your calls
I just wasn't ready to talk to you. I have some many thoughts running through my mind, l'm on my way to pick up Nadia and janique from the airport. And take them to their new place, and then l have to stop off and get Stef something to eat. I would love for you guys to come over Sunday, l'm giving Nadia a welcome to California cookout if your not busy Lena asked
We're never to busy for our Goddaughter's. We might have to go shopping and pick up something for Nadia's new house, always remember l love you.
I'll always be here when you need to talk about anything
Day or night, l'm just finished up some paperwork at the University Alex tells me. Okay l'm also at the airport
Lena States, alright darling we'll see you Sunday around 2
Alex says to me.

homecoming Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora