At the Hilton hotel

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Lena's: POV
Where at the Hilton hotel the kids were in their adjoining rooms. The last time I checked Francesca was lying down reading a book and Xander was playing a video game
Stef went to pick up dinner from Bruno's pizzeria
I just got out the shower, tomorrow I was thinking of going to the funeral home to pay my respects. I didn't want to stay in town any longer than I have to,
Being back home brings up so many painful memories
Stef keeps telling me it wasn't my fault for not making amends with my mother. I didn't even know she was sick
My mind keeps going back to the last conversation we had
When she told me l was no longer her daughter and she couldn't accept my lifestyle, mother said this right in front of my sisters. There were so many times l wanted to reach out to her and tell l graduated medical school, but l never did. I have decided not to attend the home going service
I'm gonna go to the cemetery, l know l'm taking the coward way out and not sticking even though I promise Christine l would stop by the house. Losing a love one is never easy, Mother took care of us by herself we never knew our father growing up all we know he was an African American man. He probably has a family of his own. by now I hear Stef come through the door carrying a ex large pizza box and one brown bag, hey baby did you find the pizza parlor okay Lena States. Yeah l found it where are Francesca and Xander at Stef asks me, their in the room. Tomorrow l'm gonna go to the funeral home and pay my respects, and skip the memorial service
I thought l could come back here and everything will be alright. It's to much being here l know that I told Christine
We would stop by the house, it hurts to much. Plus I don't feel like answering everybody's questions about we're l've been all these years Lena says to me, love we can do whatever you want it's your call. I just don't want to regret your decision about not going to the service, but it's your choice Stef said, let me go tell the kids to come eat
Lena walks to the Adjoining room. Xander and Francesca
Mom's back with the food come eat before the pizza gets cold, Lena tells her children and she walks out the door
And sees that Stef has set the table. We all took our seats and begin eating dinner,

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