Sisters reunite

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My flight just landed in California l'm waiting in line to retrieve my luggage from the baggage claim department
This is so much different than savannah Georgia.
I'm looking forward in seeing my big sister Lena again
We were more like best friends growing, hopefully this visit will bring us closer together again. Nadia supposed to be flying out tomorrow, she had a last minute fashion show she's in. I have a letter from my late mother to give Lena, l haven't read it because it was addressed to Lena
Before our mother passed away she wanted us to stay connected with one another, Lena left home after revealing her sexuality to all of us. Mother didn't take it well, she kicked Lena out of the house. We were never to mention her name in mother's presence, Lena told her attraction to women back then l was hoping it wasn't true of course back then I had my own secrets l was hiding from our overbearing strict mother. in our household we weren't allowed to do certain things upon my mother's orders, when I witnessed my mother slapped Lena crossed the face. I couldn't dare to say a word
My mother was old fashioned, who was borne in raised in Boston England. Lord our late Grand mother Elizabeth
Who my mother was named after was something else
She treated our mom the same way our mother treated us
Mother never spanked us we were younger, she would take certain privileges away from us. We weren't allowed to wear makeup and our hair had to be pulled up in a bun
Dating was a definite no no in our house. Me being the person I was back then would sneak to see my boyfriend Gavin and his fine self, we were to marry certain gentleman. Such as pastors doctors and lawyers
Mom was a surgeon, who loved practicing medicine
When she found out she had breast cancer she couldn't do it anymore. This was a few months after Lena left home
None knew we're run off to, everything went downhill quickly. I was the one who had to take her to all her appointments, for her treatments and at night l would to go night school to study for my degree. Mother wanted all of us to become doctors like her, of course life never goes as planned. Nadia pursued her dream as a fashion designer and there's me. I went into business management and open up a soul food restaurant right in our hometown, Lena was the one who went into medicine in becoming a pediatrician. She always use to tell us she wanted to be a doctor after mother took her to work with her one day and she watched mother perform surgery Lena became fascinated with chemistry in middle school
All of us attended a Christian private school. Mother didn't want send us to the public schools in the area
I never looked at Lena differently because she chose to be with a women versus a men. But I believe something happened to her she refused to talk about to me,
Mother acted like she had a disease or something
I finally got my luggage and went outside, to my awaited Lyft ride. I decided to go straight to Lena's house before heading to the hotel, l got in the car and had my bags beside me l didn't need to tell him where to go
Because I already put the address from my phone
We drove past these beautiful homes along the way
The weather is gorgeous here in Hillsborough California
Savannah Georgia's is up and down at times. We pulled up to this huge house, l see my big has done alright for herself. I know she has a set of twins who are ten years old
I thanked the driver grabbed my things and exit the vehicle. Walked up the steps and rung the door bell
I anxiously waited at the door until a young girl answers the door. I can't believe she looks so much like Lena even down to the curly long hair, the resemblance is uncanny in my mind. Hi is your mother home l say to the young girl, and who shall I say you are she asks me. I'm her sister and your aunt Christine replies. Hold on let me see if she's here. Mommy somebody by the name of Christine is at the door for you Francesca said, Francesca l hope you didn't leave her outside. Tell her she can come outside mommy said, you and mama told me and Xander not to let strangers in without your permission Francesca points out. Go on ahead and let your auntie Christine in
And offer her something to drink and be respectful
I'll be down in a few l'm getting dressed Lena Stated
Okay mommy Francesca goes to the door and invites
Her aunt in. Can I interest you with something to drink
Francesca asked kindly, water would be lovely Christine said. H2O coming right up Francesca heads to the kitchen
Christine Lena screams at the top of her lungs once she her sister sitting in the living room, Christine jumps up from the couch and gives her big sister a huge hug tight
Let me take a look at you Chris. You look real good Lena States, no big sis your simply beautiful and your hair is flawless Christine compliments her sister. Francesca returns with a bottle of water, Francesca this is your aunt Christine the one who lives in Savannah Georgia
Lena introduce Francesca to Christine. Lena l can't believe how much your daughter looks like you when she was your age Christine pointed out to her sister, shocking isn't it Lena replies. So where is this wife you told me so much about Christine asked, Stef should be home soon our son Xander had a soccer game today Lena explains. Mommy can I go up to my room and finish my book report for my English class Francesca asks. Sure go ahead let me know if you need any help with proof reading once your done
Lena informed Francesca, we'll l will let you know
Mama said we can have pizza for dinner tonight since we're having guests is auntie Lexie and Olivia coming over to Francesca inquiries Christine's eyes wider in shock
What the hell Lena Elizabeth Christine shouts out
Christine watch it now you will speak that way in my home. No ma'am Lena tries to keep her temper in check
I should have known this was what mother would always talked about, your Godmother's turned you against us Christine spilled out. Francesca took the clue and headed upstairs to her bedroom, she didn't hearing people argue around her. Christine you know why I left that day you and Nadia were there, and don't sit there and judge my Godparents for things they never did. They took me into their home and treated as if l was like there own Lena said hey hey what's going on in here l can hear you all the way outside Stef comes through the door with Xander. Hi baby how did Xander do at the game, Lena questioned mommy we won by twenty points Xander States.

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