-~+ Chapter 12 +~-

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Kyle was the only coughing. Kyle was laying on his side. Roses covered in blood scattered the mattress and some of the floor by the bed.

"Kyle when did you wake up?" I asked. I grabbed my phone and started calling Kenny.

"4 hours.. ago." Kyle croaked.

I called Kenny in a panic.

"Dude! Kyle's up and didn't wake me up! He's already on the roots part!" I yelled over the phone.

Kenny didn't say anything but ended the call. I put my phone down.

I grabbed Kyle and sat him up, to help him cough and breathe. I heard a knock and went to open the door in a panic stress.

"Kenny! Dude get in here!" I pulled Kenny in. 

Kenny followed me as I showed him where Kyle was. 

Kenny sat Kyle up and told him something. Kyle nodded with a rough cough.

"Alright, great." Kenny smiled.

I wondered what Kenny said but shrugged it off and held Kyle close to be. I whispered encouraging words to him.

Kyle hugged onto me coughing harshly. I hugged him back.

To be honest I was scared too. For Kyle.

I felt Kyle grip onto my shirt and I tried not to cry by how much pain Kyle looked in. It'll all be worth it when Kyle gets better. I positioned Kyle so he sat up but still leaning on me.

Kyle kept coughing. Kyle let out a muffled scream and choked up roots.

I held him close really, really scared for him.

"Doing great Kyle. Just a bit more!" I said, encouraging Kyle.

Hours pasted and Kyle still kept coughing. Kyle only coughed up a few roots and still had plenty more to go. 

Kyle looked exhausted and still in a lot of pain. I held him close.

My eyes shook with horror and my body froze. 

Kyle gave up and stopped breathing.

Author's Note

Im sorry that this chapter is very short and took a while. I'm kinda sick and my allergies are literally killing me at the moment. Mega sorry. As always thanks for reading!

-~+ Roses +~-~+ A Style Comic +~-~+ Hanahaki AU +~-Where stories live. Discover now