-~+ Chapter 2 +~-

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It's been a week since I've talked to Stan in whole. I moved back to my house. The roses kept getting worse. Earlier I did research on the disease and some some information. Rather useful. 

I sat in class taking notes. Stan was asleep next to me in his desk. I ignored him and was getting bored. I sighed and drew a simple rose on the side of me notes. I froze and dropped my pencil. The nagging feeling of roses scraping against my throat. I covered his mouth and swallowed. It made it worse. I raised his hand to go to the bathroom. The teacher shook their head saying no. I panicked and tried not to throw up. The feeling of roses scraping against my throat made me gag.

Stan shook my side.

"You alright?" Stan said worried.

I went to reply but all the came out was muffled cry. Every time I opened his mouth petals fell out, bloody beautiful rose petals. I knew I don't have much time before the roses grew to their full length and suffocated me. Stan shook him again worried. I was too weak to reply my eyes shook in fear and horror as rose thorn stems scraped my throat. I gagged lowering my head coughing up a rose bud.

"Dude you alright? Holy shit! I-I'll get the teacher!" Stan called the teacher saying it was an emergency.

The teacher sighed and let me leave. As soon as I heard the words "you can leave" I ran out the classroom and locked the bathroom stall and leaned over the toilet.


I felt the feeling of rose stems being scrapped against my throat. My vision was blurry so I knew I was crying. I opened his mouth and beautiful bloody roses fell out. All in great condition. I threw up whatever I had for lunch, blood, and more roses. I spat out blood covered whole roses. My hearing exhausted and my ears rang. I looked down at the mess he threw up. My lunch, blood, bloody roses, rose stems, and rose petals. I wiped my mouth and took a few breaths. I got up and flushed the toilet.

Another day of this. Day fourteen. It keeps getting worse. It's gotten so bad that I can't breathe as good. I know I don't have much time. But I can't stop loving Stan. If dying meant keeping my love then I'll do that. I thought.

I walked out the bathroom and was greeted to Stan falling onto him. 

"Dude are you alright? It looked pretty bad! Why is this happening to you?" Stan asked me.

"Yea dude, I'm fine." I felt myself blush looking how close I was to Stan.

"Are you sure? Really sure?" Stan asked and I nodded.

Stan still looked worried but left me. If he really meant it Stan trusted that. Stan said bye then walked away. 

Oh he's so cute when he's worried.. but Stan has Wendy. But I can't stop loving him.. I thought watching as Stan walked away to Wendy and they talked. Wendy kissed Stan's cheek and Stan looked flustered. My heart broke watching it. My heart felt sharp, like someone was grabbing it and ripping it out of me. This must be what heart break feels like.. I thought.

Kenny walked up to Kyle. 

"Sup dude. You good? You're looking pale. Have you been throwing up?" Kenny looked at me.

I didn't know what to say to that. I did look pale though and I did throw up.

Maybe it'll do some good telling someone.. I thought.

"If I told you something that sounded dumb, how'd you react?" I looked at Kenny.

"I don't know, what is it?" Kenny shrugged.

"I.." I broke off from the nagging feeling of some roses choked up in my throat.

"Dude you alright? Speak to me Kyle!" Kenny shook me.

I turned around and rushed back to the stall, I forgot to lock the door. Kenny followed and watched it horror as..


I puked up beautiful bloody roses. My throat began to sting. The hurtful feeling of rose thorns being scraped against my throat. I leaned over the toilet and let out a muffled cry stopped by a big beautiful blood covered rose fell out and into the toilet. 

Kenny stared, not sure what to do. My vision went blurry and I could barley breathe. I let out a muffled cry then my vision went black. The last thing I heard was Kenny's cry for help..

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