-~+ Chapter 6 +~-

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When I woke up, I was in my bed. I turned around and Stan was lying right next to bed. I immediately flustered a bright red.

Stan must've came in here in the middle of the night. I thought still blushing like crazy.

Holy shit.. he looks so peaceful when he sleeps.. it's so... cute... I thought looking at Stan as he snored peacefully.

I immediately closed my eyes as I felt Stan shift and show signs of waking. Stan mumbled under his breath softly.

For fucks sake.. why am I gonna do?! Stan is sleeping right next me! Gah! I think think! I thought trying not to blush.

"Kyle you awake?" I heard Stan whisper to me.

"Guess not." Stan whispered again.

I felt Stan shift and got out the bed. I heard footsteps as Stan walked away. When I heard the door close that's when I sat up. I got out the bed and started pacing around my room.

Holy shit! Stan was laying right next to me! Sleeping! Gah! I can't think straight when thinking about.. how cute Stan was sleeping.. he looked so peaceful.. Gah! I gotta stop... I thought and stopped pacing.

I sighed and walked out the room, yawning. I walked downstairs almost falling down the steps. I was still so tired and barely awake so walking down stairs once you've just woke up is kinda scary. I felt myself slip and grabbed into the railing catching myself. I let out a sigh and walked to the living room. I found Stan sitting on the couch.

"H- Hey Stan!" I said looking to Stan trying not to blush remembering earlier.

"Hey dude." Stan smiled.

"Good sleep..?" I asked then covered my mouth.

Shit.. I had one job. One fucking job. I sighed hoping Stan didn't notice my sudden lack of grammar.

"It was the best sleep I've ever had in a while!" Stan smiled.

Holy shit. Is he talking about his sleep with me? Holy fuck he does! Someone kill me. I thought instantly feeling my checks get red.

"Did you sleep good dude?" Stan asked.

I barely heard him from all the thinking I was doing.

"Oh! Yea, great sleep." I uncovered my mouth smiling, awkwardly.

"That's great news dude!" Stan smiled.

I felt myself smile at Stan's sudden smile towards me. I turned my head as Butters stumbled down the stairs with Kenny not too far behind. Butters slipped. I felt myself flitch as Butters slipped and rushed up. Thankfully Kenny instantly reacted and grabbed Butters waist pulling him back up. I sighed with relief and walked away to the couch. I sat besides Stan.

"Dude, I think Wendy is cheating on me. Ever since we kissed I saw her cringe then make an excuse to leave. Now she's hanging out with some new kid. She's always ditching me for him! Probably because of my lame kiss." Stan frowned then looked to me as if he was about to ask the biggest favor in his life.

"Man, sorry about that dude. Wish I could do something." I looked at him.

Stan crawled over me I backed away blushing like shit. I felt myself get red with blush. Stan grabbed my cheek and rubbed it.

Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg. I thought my mind whirling around.

"Could I practice with you dude?" Stan asked.

I covered my face. My mind whirling as how Stan's face was so close to my face.

Stan was on top of me and I laid my back down on the couch. Stan's hand rubbed my cheek and placed a finger on my lips.

Holy shit this is actually happening.. omg I'm not ready! I thought watching as Stan's face got closer to mine.

⚠️ WARNING: KISS ⚠️ (Some people get uncomfortable)

Stan's lips touched mine. My eyes widened in surprise then closed accepting the kiss. Stan's hand fiddled with my hair. The kiss lasted for what I thought forever. I was kinda sad when Stan pulled away to breathe.

"You're a good kisser." Stan replied, panting.

"Uhh.." I looked at Stan, feeling myself blush like crazy.

Stan got up and walked away like he didn't just kiss me!

What was that all about holy shit! I thought watching Stan walk away.

I watched still laying down on the couch. I sat up still flabbergasted from the sudden kiss. I felt my cheeks go red with blush.

Stan started cooking and I smelt the familiar smell of pancakes. Stan always made good pancakes so I was excited for that.


I gagged as I felt rose thorns scraping against my throat, I coughed it out. Thankfully it wasn't much just a simple rose. I had gotten most of it out last night. I was in there for hours.

I got up, off the couch. I stumbled up and walked over to the room Kenny and Butters were sharing. I knew Kenny would be up, he's a big night owl. I chuckled and peaked through the crack in the door. Kenny was on his phone. My old phone I gave him. Kenny was holding sleeping Butters close to his chest. Kenny looked up to me and raised a brow, probably guessing why I'm here.

I shook my head hesitant and walked out.

He must be so confused now. I thought walking away from the door.

I looked at my phone and got a text from, Kenny.

Kenny: What was that about?

Me: I was gonna say it was getting worse, but didn't want to wake up Butters.

Kenny: Ooh. Well do you want anything? Maybe you should tell Stan about this.

Me: What? No! He likes Wendy!

Kenny: Dude they just broke up.

Me: I know, he told me.

Kenny: Should've known.

Me: What does that mean?!

Kenny: Nothing, ima go to sleep until Butters wakes up, bye.

Me: Goodbye..

I sighed and put my phone in my pocket.

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