-~+ Chapter 1 +~-

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It's college and me and Stan are still great friends. I don't know what going on though. Ever since  9th grade I've started to feel, different with him. It makes me happy just to be with him. I think about Stan all day and night. What is this? I can't like Stan! We're friends and he has Wendy! Or so I think, I could like Stan.. Whatever I'll just keep this all to myself. I won't tell anyone. I thought to myself pushing the thought away. 

I sat up and bed and felt a nagging feeling. I first shrugged it off until it got worse. I groaned and wrapped my arms around my chest. The next thing I knew I threw up a whole rose bud and rose petals. All of which stained with blood. I stared in horror not knowing what to do. 

This never happened before.. I thought.

I looked up to the door and Ike walked in. Ike was about to say something but stared in horror at the blood covered roses.

"Oh Ike! Hey buddy.." I smiled awkwardly greeting Ike.

"What's that? Are those roses? What's going on on big bro?" Ike looked horrified.

"Nothing. Just don't tell mom or dad! I'm fine!" I tried to reassure Ike.

"You're bleeding though!" Ike backed away scared.

"I'll be fine promise me you won't tell our parents!" I smiled as Ike nodded and rushed away. 

I cleaned up the mess and kept a single rose to examine it later. I put the rose on a shelf still splattered in blood. i put the rest of the bloody roses and petals in the trash. I got a text from Stan. Stan wanted to know if I wanted to go on a sleepover at his place. I thought for a moment.

What if this dumb illness acts up? Eh, it's probably nothing. I replied with a "Sure Dude!" and put my phone back up. 

Shit, why did I do that. What if these roses act up..? Whatever I might as well start packing up my bags. 

I packed his bag and put the flower into my pocket. I put my backpack on his back and walked out my house after saying bye to my family. Stan's house wasn't far as we lived next to each other. I knocked on Stan's door and Stan answered the door.

"Hey dude! Glad you came!" Stan said excited to see Kyle.

"Hey what's up! Thanks!" I replied.

"I'm good, how about you? You look a little pale.." Stan looked at me suddenly serious.

"Oh uhh- just a little sick. I'm fine though no need to worry about anything!" I said worried.

Stan looked at me for a while then brought me inside and gave me some time to unpack. I sighed with relief that Stan didn't take a second look at me. I hated worrying other people, specially Stan. I unpacked my stuff and put the rose of the nightstand next to my bed. I walked out the room and chilled on the couch. Soon enough Stan came rushing down with that rose.

"Never knew you collected roses dude! Someone special in mind~?" Stan teased me, jokingly. 

"Where'd you- ah never mind! Put that back! Give it here!" I frowned and grabbed the rose from Stan, slightly blushing.

"Whatever. Wanna go on a walk with the guys?" Stan smiled.

"Sure whatever." I sighed and put the flower in my pocket then followed Stan out the door.

Stan and me walked to the park. I walked behind Stan. I felt roses being pushed up his throat. Shit, not here not now! I thought and covered my mouth. I coughed into my palm and roses spit out. I stared for a bit at the bloody roses. Then Stan asked me if I was okay.

"You good dude?" Stan looked worried.

"Oh yea I'm fine. Cmon we're almost there." I dropped the roses onto the ground and followed Stan to the park. 


I waved to Kenny and Butters who were already waiting. 

"Sup dudes!" I said, happily. Almost forgetting the sickness.

"Sup Kyle. You okay you look pale? Very pale." Kenny stared at me. I looked as pale as Kenny said.

"I-Im fine! I'm just a little sick. Nothing to worry about." I shrugged.

"Alright whatever you say!" Kenny rolled his eyes. 

The gang talked for a little longer then I felt it again. I felt the roses.. again.

"Ima be right back! Gonna use the restroom!" I rushed away before anyone could reply.

I rushed to the bathroom locking the door. I spat out bloody roses and coughed up bloody rose petals. I repeated this for a while.


"Should we check on him? He's been in there for a while."

 I looked at the bathroom door. I looked down and found a bloody rose.

"Yea ima go check on him." I left and walked to the bathroom Kyle was in. 

"Dude you okay?" I yelled outside the bathroom.

"I'm fine! Almost.." Kyle paused and I listened in to try and find out what he was doing.

"Almost done! Give me a bit more time!" Kyle finished his sentence. 

"Alright dude! I'll be waiting for ya!" I replied slightly worried. But trusted Kyle I returned back to Kenny and Butters and talked for a while longer.

After a while Kyle walked out the bathroom dropping a rose petal as he walked back to the group.

"Ima get back home Stan! Cya there!" Kyle said trying not to cough.

"You alright dude?" I looked at Kyle worried with an eyebrow raised.

"Yea.." Kyle said weakly before walking away.


I nodded and held my breath holding back a cough. Stan shrugged and said bye. I rushed back to Stan's house and into the guest bedroom he had. 

"It's only getting worse.." I sat in the bed and looked down at some bloody petals I threw up. 

I sighed and put the petals in the trash and changed. I changed into some sleep clothes and climbed in bed, easily sleeping quick.

Author's note

Hope y'all like the comic so far! I'll be finishing it this summer. Please reply to this and tell me what y'all think! Tell me anything y'all might want me to add to this! I'm taking suggestions! I'll be doing a chapter a day. Also I'm working on the cover. I have a cover but it weirdly isn't working when I pick the image. May take me a while to fix that. If y'all know  what's going on with that please tell me! Thanks for reading!

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