E L E V E N . T W O

Start from the beginning

The other Commanders were gathered around the table, the Skaikru representatives had just arrived, and the meeting was about to begin.

"Commanders," Lexa spoke once everyone was organised. "Today is the day we get our people back. The enemy believes they are safe within their gates, but they could not be more wrong."

The speech continued, after Lexa, Clarke proceeded to explain what the mission was and then the plan, everyone listened attentively, one or other Skaikru asked questions, the rest just analyzed everything and nodded.

Once Clarke finished there was a brief silence, everyone was waiting for the next thing. Lexa looked at Coriane and raised her head in her direction.


Attention was immediately drawn to her, all eyes, both grounders and sky people, turned to Coriane.

"The mountains have cast their shadow over the forests for too long," she began to speak in a strong voice, with the power of a warrior. "They have hunted us, tried to control us, turned us into their monsters," she looked at Lincoln as she said the last and took a breath to continue addressing everyone.  "That ends today."

Lexa went on to talk about the alliance they had made with the Sky People and the clarification that the mission was not about wiping out the mountain, but those guilty of the terror caused over the years. There was a pause in the Commander's speech, a pause where she looked at Coriane, speaking to her without words, communicating as only they could.

Lexa wanted her to say it, she looked at Coriane expectantly, they all did.

"Jus drein jus daun," Coriane said with her head held high and her voice loud.

They both repeated it this time at the same time, and the other Commanders joined in chorus with them. Skaikru did so once they saw Clarke join in, and outside, the shouts of those joining the chorus could be heard.

Coriane's heart pounded to the rhythm of the war cries, her chest filled with euphoria and her hands cried out for the blood of those guilty. Although she could not hear them at the moment, she could feel the spirits within her fluttering with the same emotion, she felt Tekara's embrace on her shoulders, her God protecting her, her God giving her the strength she needed, she could feel the earth beneath her feet pulsing with a heart of fire, giving her strength and, like her, trembling with the intensity of the power that coursed through her veins and in every root and rock beneath her.


The fight had begun and while Lexa went one way, Coriane was fighting on another. Her animals had been hiding in the woods, in the trees and bushes, in the darkness of the night, so as not to be seen and to be able to attack by surprise. Many sharpshooters had fallen thanks to the wolves and felines that darted at their backs and the snakes that slithered with the most dangerous stealth to terrify and distract them.

Once the enemy forces were finished, it was up to them now to open the door that would give them entrance. Everyone waited patiently and attentively, ready to attack if attacked.

Anticipation was pounding in Coriane's chest, nerves too, but when she saw the door open slightly, she could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone celebrated that step to victory and Coriane raised her voice to lead the attack. But before anyone could approach or do as ordered, Lexa's voice stopped the motion.

Clarke and Coriane looked at each other and walked together to the Commander. Both women were surprised to see Lexa accompanied by the guard they had captured and then released to deliberate the message that would protect Bellamy from being caught.

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