Chapter 41: The Great Raid

Start from the beginning

Hamilton echoed her plea, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Can we, Lord Ramirez?!" Hamilton said.

Mike contemplated their request, his eyes flickering with a mixture of amusement and caution.

Sensing the desire burning within them, he knew he had to tread carefully.

He stood up and beckoned them to follow.

"Follow me." Mike said, his voice calm yet commanding.

Piña and Hamilton exchanged excited glances before quickly trailing behind him, their hearts racing with anticipation.

The trio arrived at the open door of the Super Stallion, where a ramp gunner named Robert manned a formidable M3M Machine Gun.

Robert, catching wind of their plan, shook his head vigorously, signaling a resounding 'No!' to their eager proposition to Mike.

Undeterred, Mike knelt down beside the open door, his eyes fixed on the swirling sea of clouds below.

Piña and Hamilton leaned in, their excitement momentarily overshadowed by a rush of fear.

Mike began to explain the harsh reality they faced.

"Those are clouds, if you were to step outside now, you would simply fall to your death. The force of the fall would shatter your bones, and your organs would spill out upon impact with the ground." Mike explained, his tone firm yet tinged with concern.

Piña and Hamilton's faces paled at the grim image Mike painted.

Reality crashed over them like a wave, reminding them of the dangers lurking beyond the safety of the aircraft.

Mike glanced at Robert, who shared a knowing smile with him.

The sight of Piña and Hamilton's enthusiasm, tempered with a newfound understanding of the risks, brought a sense of camaraderie between the two Marines.

As the Super Stallion continued its flight through the clouds, Piña and Hamilton reluctantly retreated back to their seats.


The group of seven MARSOC raiders continued their journey through the fields, their footsteps leaving faint imprints in the soft earth.

The group of seven MARSOC raiders continued their journey through the fields, their footsteps leaving faint imprints in the soft earth

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Despite the absence of any signs of enemy activity, they remained cautious, their senses heightened.

As they pressed forward, the weight of their mission hung heavy in the air.

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