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Jennifer caught Newt at the side of her eye, rolling her eyes and trying to get past him before he was at her side.

"Jenny-" he began as he went to join her side, she put her hand against his chest and pushed him away lightly.

"No thank you," she sang as she moved him away and continued walking. He took a deep breath watching the girl walk off.

"Well, that was a waste of time," he sighed before walking behind her by a few steps.

Jennifer was taking in her surroundings trying to figure out which part of the dome she was in and how far her hut was. The sun was beginning the set as the group continued to walk.

The dome was large, it would take weeks if not months to get through it. She was never quite sure as she never walked all the way through but she had a rough idea. The group was now panting, the sun although it didn't harm the environment still shone down onto them the whole day.

"Well guys, I think we should call it a day," Jennifer sighed as she sat down in a bed of ferns. The group didn't hesitate to join her, giving their legs a much-needed rest "Brenda, how are you feeling?"

"Fine," she answered, her voice brighter than before.

"Okay," Jennifer breathed as she began to back up against a tree to rest her head. She shut her eyes, taking in a deep breath before she slipped into a deep, well-deserved sleep.

The group didn't hesitate to follow, although they were still unsure about their safety. They had been walking... for hours. They needed a wink.

The morning sun bounced off the dew on all the vibrant leaves around them. Minho was first to wake up, due to a cat's paws digging into his stomach as it pulled its claws on his shirt.

Frypan had made fun of Minho and the cat but Minho didn't mind. He quite liked the thing, he liked having a company that didn't annoy him. When Jennifer woke up it was just Minho, Fry, Newt and Brenda awake.

Jennifer's eyes were narrow, her cheekbones casting dark shadows down the sides of her face.

"Good morning Sunshine," Newt said as he looked at the slightly scary girl. She looked at him for a second sharply before looking away. Merlin left Minho and sat next to Jennifer. "How'd you sleep?" Jennifer turned her gaze back to where the voice was coming from. She hadn't forgiven him.

"She's not a morning person," Brenda added with a smile.

"Obviously," Replied Fry as he glanced over at the girl. She was slightly scary. She always had dead pale skin, no matter how hot the sun got she was always pale. Her hair was curly and dark brown contrasting her brown eyes.

Her eye bags were always glowing, making the only flaw on her clean face. Her skin wrapped around her bones like wrapping paper over a box. Of course, her deadly glares didn't help with her haunting appearance.

If looks could kill, they'd all be dead.

Jennifer looked around slowly before her eyes rested on Newt's ankle. She wondered how it was feeling, but still wasn't in the mood to talk so early in the morning.

She met Newt's gaze that was held on her and glanced back down at his ankle. "It feels better," he replied "Not good as new, but better," she only nodded before bringing her bony legs to her chest and leaning her head onto them.

Merlin swerved through her legs and lay down in the shade they made. The others began to talk, giving Jennifer time to properly wake up. Mostly ignoring her, besides Newt.

The two kept accidentally catching each other's eyes which were annoying for Jennifer as she was meant to be mad at him. "Do you guys want breakfast?"

"...sure?" Frypan replied, the last time they had breakfast was back in the Glade. None of them were sure where Jennifer was planning on getting said breakfast but they wouldn't refuse a bite to eat. And neither would their growling stomachs.

"Right then, anyone wanna come?" She asked as she pulled herself up, Merlin jumped up beside her.

"I will," Newt said as he stood up. Jennifer placed her arm on his head and into his hair as she lightly pushed him back down.

"Anyone but Newt?" She corrected, she was met with silence. "Okay then," she smiled and went to walk off, Merlin jumping on branches and trunks that had fallen off of the trees that towered around.

As she walked, taking a small glance around she heard extra branches breaking, that wasn't from her. She froze. Glanced around. Merlin stopped as well. They both knew something wasn't right when the branch breaking stopped.

Whatever she was looking for had now found her. Crank. She slowly bought up a pistol from her pocket, clicking it ready to shoot it. It would move eventually, it had to.

Another snap, another pause, another quiet. Jennifer glanced down at Merlin seeing his ears pointing directly behind her. Of course. She spun around quickly, finger resting on the trigger.

Her mouth dropped open.

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