❁chapter thirty-eight - past and present

Start from the beginning

"The thing is that he doesn't seem to be scared of us, and that concerns me" Pieck continued, "Y/n, doesn't it worry you?".

You were completely paralyzed. You couldn't stop looking at the boy, and he wouldn't stop looking at you. It was like he knew your thoughts. He was begging you with his eyes to stop all of this, but he couldn't talk.

"That's why we cornered him, right?" Falco asked, "Because we're going to teach him that he shouldn't mess with us".

Marcel smiled, "Yeah, Falco. Y/n, do you want to do it for us?".

Your heart skipped a beat, "What?".

Gabi rolled her eyes, "You heard him, y/n. It's your turn to do something about it. We cornered him, and you do it".

You felt like you were going to die right there, "Why me? I... You guys were the one who started this. I was going to class now and...".

"Wait, am I hearing that right?" Porco interrupted you, "Are you disobeying us? Really?".

All of your friends looked at you dead serious. You began to be scared.

"Y/n, do you know what happens when someone doesn't think like us, right?" Marcel asked.

You nodded, "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, really. What do I have to do?".

Gabi smiled and gave you a bottle of water. Your hands began shaking. You had done something like this before, but this time was different. You didn't know if it was because of yourself or because of the boy. Either way, you really didn't want to do this.

"Come on, y/n" Porco said. "Do it".

"Do what?" you asked.

"Pour that water on that guy there" Marcel commanded you, pointing with his hand at the boy.

"B-but..." you began talking.

"Come on, y/n" Gabi whispered in your ear. "Do it or you'll take that boy's role".

You swallowed your saliva. You took a step forward and placed yourself in front of that unknown boy.

"Please..." the boy begged. "Please, y/n. D-don't do it".

You could hear his sobs. You wanted to cry too, to apologize, but you knew that if you do that, you will be the next. They would do the same thing to you.

I'm sorry.

And with that, you closed your eyes and poured the water.

Tears fell from your eyes, but your friends didn't notice it. Pieck laughed, "That was too funny, let's go y/n! You finally do something for us".

But you weren't listening. You couldn't stop looking at that boy. His eyes were watery, but he couldn't stop looking at you. He didn't look mad, nor even sad, but... mesmerized by you? You couldn't guess.

"Okay, we go now, I want to eat at the cafeteria" Porco announced, and everyone nodded.

Before you left the bathroom, you turned your head back and took a glance at the brunette one last time.

"Guys, I forgot to grab my food from the locker" you said, "I'll go now, wait for me at the cafeteria".

Falco smiled, "Okay! See you now".

You entered again in the bathroom, making sure none of your friends realized that. You stopped walking when you were right in front of that boy, who was sobbing silently while drops of water fell from his hair.

You felt so bad for him. Of course, you felt like shit when you did these kinds of things to all of the kids, but this was different. You actually had felt like someone was stabbing you when you did that five minutes ago.

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