✾chapter thirty-three - the first day of the last month

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The day after you went to Marley was one of the best ones you ever had that year, and you would always remember fondly, even after the months had passed.

It all started as usual, with you and Eren having breakfast in the kitchen. That day you were eating toasts with peach jam and a coffee. Eren had set aside on a plate a piece of warm apple pie that he had prepared a few days ago.

You were tired as always. It was only 7:45 in the morning, and the day before you had stayed up late talking with Eren. You really didn't see the point of going to school today, as you had finished your exams and your teachers probably wouldn't teach anything today.

"Did you know the museum of astronomy and geography of Paradis have opened some new exhibitions?" Eren told you.

You shook head, "Really? I had no idea of that. Last time I went there was two years ago with my parents".

"They look interesting. I'd love to go one day" he said. Eren had told you a long time ago that he loved astronomy, and whenever he talked with you about it, he wouldn't stop talking for hours.

"We can go today" you proposed him. He raised one of his eyebrows, "On a Friday afternoon? It will be full of people and we will not be able to enjoy it".

"I'm talking about now" you said, "Just after we finish breakfast. To be honest, I'm not sure I'll be able to stay at school more than five minutes without dying of boredom".

Eren sighed, "Me neither. Also, today we'll probably do nothing. I think it's a good idea going now, but isn't Levi going to notice that we're not there?".

"You know what? We're both sick" you stated, "He's going to believe it; he knows we live together. Plus, literally no one's going today".

A mischievous smile lit up Eren's face. You smiled too; his happiness was contagious.

"You're going to love it" he said, "It's amazing. They explain everything in such a magic way: the stars, the planets, all of the universe's mysteries...".

You laughed, "I think you're going to love it even more. Let's finish our breakfast and then we can go".

After eating everything, you went to your room and got ready. You chose some cute bell bottom jeans and a hearts sweater, both of them combined with a pair of vintage white boots.

When you came out of your room, Eren was already there waiting for you as usual. He was wearing a pair of beige cargo pants, a gray hoodie and a black puffer jacket over it.

You took a cargo messenger bag that matched with your clothes and put everything you needed inside.

"So, we're ready, right?" you asked.

"I've been here waiting for you more than ten minutes" Eren said, "Of course we're ready".

You smiled, "Sorry about that. So, are we going to walk there or by car?".

"Walking is better" he answered, "It's only twenty minutes from here. Also, if it begins to snow, it's going to be a nightmare if we take my car".

"Oh, I wish it'll snow!" you said excited, "This year that happened a lot of times, that's not usual".

You left the apartment. It was very cold; after a few minutes, Eren's nose was red from the low temperatures. You laughed, "You should see your nose now. It looks like you cried".

"Me? You should see yours" he told you while smiling, "You're shivering. Do you want my jacket?".

You shook your head, "No, thank you. You're going to freeze if you're only wearing that hoodie".

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