❁chapter forty - true colors

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You heard someone knocked on the door, but you were too tired to get up. You were on your bed, looking at the ceiling.

The knock stopped, but five minutes later you heard some keys and then the door opening. You got up really quick and almost run to the door.

"Eren?" you asked, but it wasn't him. Hitch was standing there, looking at you with a worried look.

"Y/n... Oh my God" she whispered while her eyes were still on you. "What?" you asked.

"What happened to you?" she questioned, "You're not answering my calls, I was scared!".

You grabbed your phone, which was on the couch, and saw ten missed calls from Hitch. Also, your mother had called you two days ago, but she didn't do it more times even if you weren't answering. Ana had also called you.

Eren hadn't called or texted you, and none of your friends either. That broke your heart even more.

You looked at the day: It was Tuesday. Four days had passed since you saw them for the last time, and they didn't even care to see if something had actually happened with you.

"I just missed two days" you said, "It won't be a problem".

"What's going to be a problem is your life if you keep living like this" Hitch pointed out and grabbed your wrist, "God, it's smaller than before. You have lost weight".

She dragged you to the couch, "Now, tell me what happened". You sighed, "Didn't they tell you already?".

Hitch nodded, "Yeah, but I want to know your version, now even more".

"What's wrong with me?" you asked. The blonde opened the camera app, and you saw yourself for the first time in days. You were unrecognizable. Your hair was a mess, you had more dark circles than ever. Your lips were dry and with no color.

Your eyes were soulless, there was nothing behind them. What had previously been a girl full of life and light, was now a person who was off.

"Oh" you whispered, "I didn't think it was this bad". Hitch sighed, "Y/n, please tell me what's going on".

"I messed up really bad" you said, "You have no idea". You looked at her and felt so much anxiety, "I can't tell you. You're going to hate me".

"Unless you killed somebody, I don't think I will" she smiled. You took a deep breath, "For some people, it seems like I did that".

"You know I came new here in ninth grade, right?" you questioned. Hitch nodded, "Yeah, in October, right?".

"I used to live in Marley before I moved here. Those were the worst years of my life" you explained, "I... I bullied other kids. I was friends with the worst people I have ever met, and they threatened me to bully other people. If I refused to do it, I'd be the one that was bullied".

"I'm not saying this as an excuse of my actions. What I did is unforgivable, and every time I think of it, I hate myself even more" you continued, "But the last year before I moved, I met someone. One of those kids I bullied. Eren".

"Wait, Eren? Eren Jaeger?" Hitch asked, still processing what you just had told her. You nodded, "Yes. He used to live in Marley too".

Your friend opened her eyes even more, "And you bullied him?". Your heart skipped a beat, "Yes, I did".

You sighed, "I don't know why, but we became friends. He was the only one that understood that I felt different from the rest of my friends. Obviously, it was not the other kids' fault that they hated me, but it felt amazing that someone finally understood me".

the best of me ⎪eren jaegerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora