✿chapter one - new experience

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This is worse than I thought.

You were lying on the bed, with a tissue box next to your laptop which was resting on your lap. You just finished Your Lie in April, and you were sobbing. "I'm gonna kill Armin, this shit is going to make my eyes puffy tomorrow", you told yourself, as he was the one who recommended this anime to you.

You took your phone and opened Instagram to tell him about your thoughts on the ending but, before that, you watched some insta stories. Sasha was with Connie and Marco watching a movie at the cinema, Historia and Ymir were on a date, Hitch was at a party... Then, you realized that some stories, posted by Armin, Jean, Reiner, and so on, were reposting one posted by Eren Jaeger, which said "kinda spontaneous, but due to personal reasons, I don't have a place to sleep rn, so it would b cool to have someone who would let me sleep in some of their houses lol".

Damn, that must be hard.

Eren and you were part of the same friend group, but never really got to know each other better. When you came new to Paradise High School, in freshman year, Eren's parents just died in a car accident, so obviously, it was not the best time for trying to be his friend. Now it was your junior year, and although you managed to be "friends" with him, it made you a bit sad that you were really good friends with everyone, like Sasha, Historia, Connie, Jean, Reiner... and not with him, even though one of your best friends was Mikasa, who Eren started living with since the accident.

So that was your new plan for Friday's night: Alone in your house thinking how to help this boy. There was this apartment which you had and was literally next to school, and that your parents never really used, so it was your place to escape from your occasional problems. Your parents would not really like a stranger to live there, but since they were always traveling due to their jobs, they would not know anything about it. I don't know, wouldn't it be weird that I randomly give Eren this apartment? It was true that he would not likely expect someone like you to offer him such a thing like this, but did it really matter? "Fuck off", you said as you were opening Armin's chat.




Tell meee

Did u finish Your Lie in April?


yhh, screaming and throwing up rn ngl

but that's not why I talked to u


What is it then?


ik this would sound kinda weird but I watched ur story

and i feel sorry for Eren

yk i have this apartment near to school that i don't really use

so I think he could mayb use it? idk


Ohhh, that would b great!! Thanks y/n!

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