❀chapter nineteen - the bookshop

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8 days had passed. It was October 25th, which meant there were 6 days left until Halloween, which would be on Tuesday of the following week.

Things with Eren went pretty much the same. The only difference was that you tried not to show you were constantly remembering about what Historia told you last week. It was difficult, though. Every time you were talking with Eren and remembered that conversation, you awkwardly shut off.

You noticed that he acted kind of the same way, but you convinced yourself you were thinking too much.

Talking about Historia, today was your first day working at the bookshop. Yeah, at first you two were going to work in the local library, but you and your friend realized that you couldn't stop talking with each other, so being for hours in a place where people were supposed to be quiet was really difficult.

Also, the librarian (aka your boss) was one of the scariest women you had ever met.

Next to the library, there was a small bookshop that belonged to it, so the old woman told you that they also needed people to work there.

"This is going to be so fun!" Historia exclaimed. You two were in front of the bookshop, which was already opened. The facade was made of wood, with some pots on the ground. There was a bell above the door, so every time it was opened, it rang. It looked like it had come out of the Middle Ages.

"I mean it's a Wednesday afternoon and all I want to do is sleep, but this is definitely better than working in any other place" you said, smiling.

You two entered in. The room was small, but with all of those hundreds of books, it looked bigger than it was. Just like outside, everything was made of wood, both the walls and the floor. There were some bookshelves, all filled with books of all kinds. The ancient lamps that hung from the ceiling gave off a yellowish light, reinforcing the fact that this place seemed to have been open for centuries. The room looked incredibly homely.

Behind the counter, there was a girl. His black hair and pale skin reminded you of Mikasa, but she was a bit older. She appeared to be 25-30.

"Good afternoon!" the girl greeted you. "My name is Ana, I'm the one in charge of this place. You two are Historia and y/n, right?".

The two of you nodded. "Great! I'm so excited to have new people here!" Ana said. "Why did you want to work here?".

"Well, we really like to read, and everything related to books, so we thought it will be a good idea to work in here" Historia explained.

"Yeah!" you agreed. "It's nice to have a job related to something you like. Besides that, it's good to know we have something else to think about that's not school".

Ana brought a big smile to her face. "That's true! I like to see that my coworkers are excited about their new job. I started working here when I was your age, and now I'm 29. Trust me, it is really fun. Let's get started!".

The young woman started explaining you and your friend everything. The bookshelves were organized by categories, like fantasy books, romantic novels or poems. She gave each one of you an apron that had your name written. She explained how the cash register worked and how to take care of the elder books.

"That's pretty much everything" Ana sat back behind the counter. "Working will give you experience and, by the end of this year, I'm sure you two will be a pair of professionals".

"Thank you!" Historia said.

"I have a question" you said. You pointed with your finger at one table that was next to the counter. "What is that for? It looks like a study table".

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