❁chapter thirty-six - stranger

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You slept two hours that night. Anxiety was growing inside of you because Eren wasn't coming back.

You looked at the hour on your phone. 2 am. It had been like five hours since Eren left. You hadn't eaten, you had just taken a shower to try to calm yourself, but it didn't really work.

You still couldn't believe what happened. Why did he change so suddenly? He hurt you so much and for no reason. You couldn't believe he had been lying to you for so many months.

You didn't understand why he would act like he liked you just because he was bored.

Eventually, you fell asleep at 5am because your body was drained. Two hours later, your alarm would go off to wake you up for school.

The moment you woke up, you went almost running to Eren's room, but he wasn't there. Desperately, you searched for him in all of the rooms.

You even looked outside in the balcony. When you finally realized that he didn't come back and that you must looked crazy searching for him, you sat on one of the chairs and cried like a baby.

The way you were sobbing could break anyone's heart, but you didn't want to make a lot of noise because you were outside and didn't anyone to hear you.

"Calm down" you whispered to yourself. But you knew that the only person who could say that and actually help you was the same that caused all of this.

You knew there was something behind all of this, or at least that's what you wanted to believe so as not to fall into sadness anymore.

But you also believed that Eren was able to lie to you for months. You believed that Eren had been looking for an apartment since he moved to this one, just because he wanted to leave it, and you. You instantly felt bad for believing that he was that kind of person.

You went back inside a made a coffee because you were exhausted. However, the moment you turned around and saw the empty table, the cup escaped from your hands and fell to the ground, breaking.

"Shit" you said. You grabbed the broom and picked up the broken pieces, and then you cleaned the coffee with some paper.

You hated how all of this was affecting you. 12 hours ago, you were talking with Mikasa about how you were going to try to not make Eren remember about his parents during Christmas. And now he had broken your heart.

You knew you wouldn't be able to handle having breakfast alone, so you got dressed for school, picked your bag and went upstairs.

Floch opened his apartment's door a few seconds after you called, "Y/n?". You yawned and tried to put a good face, "Hey".

"What happened?" he asked. You sighed, "What hasn't happened".

Tear swam down your cheeks. Floch hugged you, "Come inside. I'll make some breakfast for you".

That made you smile. Three months ago, you couldn't stand the boy in front of you and now he was making food for you while you were crying in front of him at 7:30 am.

"If Liza comes now, she's gonna kill you" you pointed out while referring to his girlfriend. Floch laughed, "Don't worry about that. She knows you wouldn't do that".

Ten minutes later, he put some toasts and a coffee in front of you. He sat on one of the chairs, "Now, tell me what happened and tell me why I'm the one who's here next to you and not Eren".

Eren. The way his name sounded broke your heart, and you started crying again till you almost couldn't see.

Floch had his mouth opened, "Okay, something definitely went wrong with him".

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