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"Michael, please, just leave me alone!" I groan aloud, fastening my pace in hopes that I would actually and properly lose him this time. Low and behold, Michael Kensington was hot on my heels, annoyingly trailing behind me as I tried to make it to my next class.

I'm going to kill Mara and Soleil!

Those two idiots thought that their best idea so far would be to stay up all night creating a slideshow of boys who had potential to be Mara's first kiss. I told them, "don't do it", they'll be too tired to go to school the next day whilst also traumatizing themselves as they do so.

Of course they didn't listen to me.

Now here I was, alone at school and trying to go through my day without running into my obsessive ex-boyfriend. But no, the school was so fucking tiny I couldn't get anywhere without him finding me and then interrogating me. As if he had a say on what I did with my life.

"No Fallon, I'm not letting you go to that party."

As if I was asking him to! He can't take no for an answer, it seemed like he forgot about the fact that he was the one to cheat on me. Does he have amnesia? Or is he just ignoring the blatant truth warning him that I was ready to physically have to use my fists. Sometimes words didn't work, and sometimes for especially thick people, other weapons needed to be used. I'd done it once to Brooke after she couldn't keep the urge of spreading rumours to herself, it's not like I wouldn't do it again.

    Spreading rumours stating that I begged my so-called ex to have sex with me. Seeing me as the threat—me, the girl whose boyfriend she stole as some dog that needed to be put down.

I didn't beg Michael to do anything with me. The most I did was let him touch me and he could barely do that.

"Fallon, please! Stop walking for a second!"

"You don't even deserve a single second of my time."

My sprint turned into a small run as I caught sight of the girls locker room. I had p.e next, and although I disliked having to run in a gym enclosed by the smell of sweat and heat, if it was what I needed to do to get away from this delusional speck of a guy, I would run as fast as I needed to.

I didn't notice as I ran towards the empty part of the school, lockers and classrooms used as storage littering the hallway. Sunlight painting the walls in warm light as it shone through the ceiling's tall windows.

Clueless , BWWM | ✎ OngoingWhere stories live. Discover now