Ch.22 Love

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Remus was heartbroken, he had no tears left to cry as he thought about what he lost. Experiencing heartbreak is something that has left him feeling completely wrecked. The pain was almost unbearable, and it seemed like all his joy had been taken away. It's hard to focus on anything else when his mind is constantly consumed by thoughts of what went wrong and what he lost.

He lost his Delphina forever and all because of his friends, but he knew it wasn't completely their fault they didn't force this curse upon him. Instead, they accepted it and found ways to help him, yet still, the one he loved most had vanished forever. Remus was so overtaken with sadness he hadn't moved for more than going to the bathroom. His already lanky frame had grown to the point he looked malnourished. His skin hadn't seemed to recover from when it first paled four days ago.

His only escape was sleeping. It seemed to be the only place that she hadn't infected, yet all he dreamt was black. It was just a cycle of sleeping for hours, waking up and staring at the wall. His mind was fighting against him.

Dee hadn't once stepped into his dorm room, but everywhere he looked he could picture her there laughing or reading peacefully. Her loving presence followed him and tainted his thoughts. Remus swore when it was quiet that he could hear Delphie's angelic voice singing. He hadn't even heard her sing, but it brought him peace and usually coerced him into a deep sleep.

The boys were severely worried for him. With the moon coming close to full, they worried the already terrible state he was in would only worsen with the full moon. Remus only wanted Delphina, but he couldn't have Delphina, not anymore. He couldn't. He was selfish to keep it from her for so long, but everything seemed to go so smoothly and she hadn't once questioned it. He wondered if she already had an inkling of his lycanthropy, but the image replayed in his head of her shock-ridden face.

He didn't know how to live now. He had gotten a sliver of what his life was like to be loved and treated normally. He wanted those moments back, he took them for granted as they happened


Delphina was sad. She was too sad to cry as she sat on a hill overlooking the whomping willow. The cold harsh wind hurled in front of her, her skin turned a delicate white. The breeze caressed her hair back and forth, exposing her face to the chill. The tip of her nose was red, as the hue soon crept into her ears. Her hands were numb, but that was her mistake of naively neglecting gloves, or maybe she was truly stupid being outside in this weather while every other student was curled inside the castle walls in front of the fire.

But she felt she deserved this punishment. Why did she have to say yes? She should have trusted herself, but she didn't, so she sat on the dull, damp grass. The sky was grey, like her heart, empty of anything to bring it colour.

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