Ch.3 I'm Deaf Remus

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Third Person P.O.V

Her soft brown hair fell down her back effortlessly paired with her honey-brown vivid eyes. Remus watched her mindlessly munching away at her cereal. He rested his chin on his hand as he continued to lustfully stare at her. He was captivated by her, and he questioned himself all night. Who was she? Has she always been here? Why had he never noticed her before? Why did she mouth a thank you instead of just saying it? These questions kept him up all night for the past week not a wink of sleep, he just wanted his questions answered 

He was only able to find out she was a Ravenclaw and nothing else until someone came and sat next to her as Remus was watching from his table. It was a very familiar and friendly blonde Ravenclaw. Pandora. They held a small conversation until the brunette stood and left the hall with her bag, he waited anxiously for the perfect time to go and talk to her he had to ask now before his friends would come down and interrogate him. She finally exited the great hall with Remus hot in her tail calling her name

"Pandora!... Pandora!" He shouted causing her to turn and look his way he continued to run to her with heavy breaths

"Oh, hi Remus, what can I help you with?" Her soft voice asked giving all her attention to the lanky boy

"What's your friend's name?" He watched as her face scrunched up before realizing

"You mean Delphina?" She stared at the frantic nodding while clicking his fingers "And where did she go?"

"The...Library" The blonde answered wearily at the boy's strange behaviour "I should also mention-"

"Thank you, Pandora," He was already running in the direction of the library leaving a flabbergasted Pandora

He arrived at the library door, before he entered, he steadied his breathing and nerves. Remus scoped around the quiet room looking for the brunette that's piqued his interest until he spotted her across the room tucked away in the corner writing

He hastily walked over to her trying to not distract the other students, she was facing away from Remus writing contently not even noticing that the boy had pulled out a chair and sat next to her. He tried to get her attention with a grunt and then a hello, why was she ignoring him?

He tapped her shoulder causing her to flinch confusing Remus, she turns to look at him only staring in silence till he started to talk

"Hi" He awkwardly waved and awaited her response, but she only stared at him slowly bringing her hand up and waving before continuing her writing. He continued to talk as she didn't once flinch or raise her eyebrows acting no part in the conversation to the point where Remus felt like she was ignoring him

The boy grabbed her shoulder turning her towards him he let out a frustrated sigh and asked, "Delphina why won't you talk to me?" He pleaded as a look of sadness washed over her eyes as she tore off a little strip of paper and wrote sliding it over to the boy. He looked at her confused and read the little note

I'm deaf Remus 

Word Count: 567

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