Ch.9 Back Home For Christmas

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Third Person P.O.V

Christmas break was a delightful time for all friends and family out there. A time to celebrate and enjoy the loved ones around you. A time when Delphina finally got to see her mother and huddled up close on the couch watching Christmas movies on their old tv with popcorn and cookies 

Upon arriving back in London, she said her goodbyes to Pandora and Remus, the girl practically ran off the train and spotted her mother instantly in the large crowd. She sprinted with her suitcase trailing behind her to her mum only a few meters away Delphina ditched her suitcase and ran into her mother's open arms

They were both crying with joy and reunion. The teenage girl did not care if other families judged her, she was just a girl who loved her mum. Noelle sniffed as she stroked her daughter's hair, she missed her just as much as they were each other's rock

What Delphie didn't know was that many families actually envied her relationship with her mum. Like her dear old secret friend Regulus who had watched the whole scene play out while he waited for his parents to stop talking to Uncle Cygnus and Aunt Druella. He observed how she acted and how Noelle acted, and he wanted that so badly. He wanted his parents to cry when he came home to hug him and to love him for his mistakes and achievements. But not everyone can have their dream

The two women drove home to their little restaurant/home separating upon entering. Delphina went upstairs to her room and flopped onto her bed, her energy and soul flowing through the room giving back its warmth and comfort. Noelle was packing up the last of the restaurant before heading up to the living room

The teen slid out of her room into the hallway dressed in her Christmas pyjamas paired with her matching socks. Her mother had already put the fireplace on and started to decorate the tree, she walked over to her and stomped her foot catching the woman's attention

"How dare you start decorating the Christmas tree without me!?" She held a serious face as she signed only to crack a smile at the end

"Don't be so slow next time" Noelle signed back before hanging a sort of snowflake ornament that Delphina had made when she was seven

For the rest of the night, the mother and daughter decorated their fresh green tree and before going to bed they lit the lights that were strung around the leaves lighting up the dark apartment


Remus P.O.V

The cold London air hit my cheeks as I followed my mother and father on the slippery street. They wanted to catch up with me on a lunch outing and know about the boys, my grades and everything else. They stopped and entered this restaurant looking for an empty table 

I stuff my hands into my jacket pocket the rough denim rubbing against my knuckles as I follow them to a booth near the back. We sit and a woman comes up to take our order she smiles and leaves

"So, my boy, how's school been?" I look up from the old rustic table to my father 

"How are the boys?" Mum cut in lacing her hand into dads

Everything that had happened was so hard to explain to Pandora, Delphina and the boys I couldn't so I shrugged and looked back down 

"School's good" I finally pushed out seeing my mother's stern look she nodded satisfied with my answer

"And the boys?" Dad interrogated I sighed and rolled my eyes sliding down into my seat I let my head fall back onto the leatherback

"I haven't talked to them in a while" My mumble was incoherent making both parents frown ever since their boy had got home, he seemed so deflated and glum. Hope, remembered when he came home from the first year and non-stop talked about his new friends, he almost passed out from not taking breathing breaks

"Well, how are your transformations?" Lyall changed the subject making sure to whisper the last part as it was a muggle restaurant once again Remus shrugged 

"They've been okay" He took a glance around the room observing all the faces enjoying their day and sharing funny stories

The many people waiting tables and cooking share some small laughs as they serve the food. It felt very welcoming and homey, everyone seemed to know at least someone in this building and Remus did too, as he looked out the front windows there was a girl reading alone at a table with a drink. 

He saw her features were very familiar and needed to get a closer inspection the boy so desperately wanted it to be her. He had only seen her a couple of days ago at the station, but it felt like a thousand years since their eyes met, their hands touched, his cheeks tint from her warmth

"Just wait mum I'll be right back" He stopped her rambling stepping out of the booth his parents were left speechless as they watched their son walk over to a girl unknown to both. He pulled the chair opposite her and sat reaching over to gently touch the girl's hand 

Delphina felt a familiar coziness spread across her skin. She took a glance up at the person her mouth slowly dropped as he looked angelic and not real. The Gryffindor smiled at her reaction leisurely retracing his hand bringing them up and wording with his hands

"Hi Delphie" Her hand shot up to her mouth eyes glazed over 

"Remus?" she slowly asked, viewing him as he examined her hands before answering for her

"Yes," Remus slowly stood from his chair as Delphina ditched her seat and threw her arms around the boy faulting his posture. He rubbed her back as she shook with tears

She pulled away and rested her palms on his cheeks rubbing her thumb across his peppermint pink cheeks, him repeating her actions and wiping away her tears. They shared joyful smiles as she pulled her hands off and signed

"Your something special Remus"

Across the other side of the room, both parents and Noelle watched their children with warm smiles and hearts. Happy that their kids have found love

Word Count: 1076

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