Ch.12 Hormonal Teenagers

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Third Person P.O.V

Two giggly teenagers alone in a locked compartment

Having just stepped onto the train after a week of no contact after the new year's party. After the party, both lost contact with each other, but neither was worried, having the mutual connection that they didn't need to talk about after, and fate would bring them back together

Delphina stepped onto the train a funny feeling settled into her stomach as all she could think about was Remus after she had said goodbye to her mother. The boy had arrived early a certain thrill urged him to be here already setting his suitcase in their usual compartment

He thought it was finally time to forgive his friends and ease back into it, as he did really miss his brothers and their funny late-night chats and the mischief they caused. But what he wouldn't admit to anyone is that he actually likes being away from them, he liked all the calmness and loneliness he had and hanging out with new different people made him realize that he never got time alone

He didn't exactly know how Delphie felt about the Marauders and if she liked them or not. She was fine with him, but he considered himself the quietest and grounded of the four boys. But as of now, he wanted to keep them as separate as possible

As if it were cliché the two teens bumped into each other in the secluded hallway. Both lost it at the eye contact immediately finding a compartment and kissing away like hungry hormonal teens

Soon after their hunger died out the kiss eased back into their passionate caring kiss like their new year's kiss. No one of the two noticed the train already had departed and 10 minutes had flown by too distracted with snogging

Both Sirius and Pandora had grown worried about their friends not showing up searching the train but to no avail

The pair only snapped out of their heartfelt make-out when they inched closer and closer to the seat only for Delphina to bump her head on the wall. Grasping the back of her head in instinct Remus immediately freaked backing up to see her whole face

"Omg are you okay?" he asked breathlessly watching her expression

She nodded with a silent giggle erupting in a lot of giggles and more kisses

"I have to get back to my friends I'll talk to you tomorrow" She signed to him standing up and straightening out her clothes. Remus wiped away some of her smudged lip gloss as she ran fingers through his unruly hair

He goes in for one last peck before galloping running away in his usual cheery manner leaving a stunned flushed Delphina.


"Moony!" Three boys cheered as the door slid open and their book-loving friend appeared with ecstatic smiles before all falling to their knees and repeating "I'm so sorry" and begging for forgiveness

"Oh, Moony we should have never thought you would ever do something like that!" Sirius dramatically explained as he gripped onto his best friend the latter rolling his eyes at the antics

"Alright, alright enough!" Remus exclaimed shutting the 3 boys up "I forgive you" He let out slowly with a smirk watching their faces washed with relief

They pulled the boy in for a big group hug shouting and cheering probably rocking the entire train cart

"Shut up I can hear from down the hall" The red-headed girl shouted as she poked her head into the room to see what all the noise was about

"But Evans Moony is back, he's finally back!" Sirius exclaimed like a child winning a prize

"Sorry Lily flower just got a bit carried away" James reasoned Peter silently agreed as galloped over only to admire her closer

The girl rolled her eyes and headed back to her friends lightly pushing James away back into the room

"So where were you before you came here?" James wiggles his eyebrows insinuating that he was with someone

Remus kept his cool by giving a simple heart-warming smile and only briefly explaining

"I was at perfect duties" His simple response and lie had proven effective with all the boys nodding along

For the rest of the train, he held that smile as he looked out the window thinking of Delphina

With one pair of curious eyes knowing what he was thinking about  

Word Count: 761

Thank you so much for 300 reads 


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