Ch.5 Library

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Third Person P.O.V

The first Hogsmeade trip of the year and only one thing was on the lanky boy's mind. As he and his friends rode in the carriage towards the little town Remus was trying to find a way where he could slip away from his friend's watchful eyes

"Oi Moony you alright?" The boy in question turned to his concerned friends and he silently nodded "You look a bit out of it" James gave his back a generous smack. A grunt was forced out of Remus's mouth as the three boys shared a small laugh

"M'okay" He mumbled and hopped out of the wagon into the cold town his friends all piled out of once ending up on the crunchy snow. It was now the level-headed boy laughing as the trio rushed to stand up and wipe the cold substance off them

They all set out to Zonko's with James and Sirius almost fangirling over all the new prank and joke stuff they could use. Peter blindly followed after them, they were in such awe it was the perfect time for Remus to separate from his mates

He thought it would be safer to withdraw himself while he wasn't in their peripheral vision. The boy ran down the street not wanting to get caught in his attempt to escape as Remus sprinted towards his goal. The paranoia was eating him as he was constantly looking behind him to see if his friends were chasing after him

He made it inside of the Cozy warm library, few people were in the building some wandering through the aisles of people's imagination and knowledge while many students and locals sat in the plush chairs reading the pages.

Remus's exhale echoed through the small two-story building it caused everyone to look at the out of breath boy. He flashed an embarrassed smile to the many eyes on him before they continued their tasks

"Good morning" He nodded towards the man behind the counter after noticing him staring at the Gryffindor he simply sent a tight-lipped smile to Remus before turning away tending to customers

He walked further into the store sifting through the shelves looking for one particular book. The boy was so focused he bumped into many fellow students muttering a "Sorry" before proceeding with his search and picked out many publications with the mindset that he had found what he was looking for only to be frustrated when it wasn't

He spent an absorbent amount of time in the shop running his finger along the spines Remus was getting so agitated that he felt like giving up. His hand rubbed his tired eyes as he sighed the glasses fell back down onto his nose helping him read the tiny text

The lanky boy huffed before looking through another shelf, with nothing on the shelves he climbed the spiral staircase to the second story. He was just hoping it would be here due to the second floor being increasingly smaller than the floor below and the books were only circling the wall Remus would only have to search for a little longer

Exploring more of the shelves he now was standing on the ladder pushing it around in circles climbing a step higher once he was finished looking at the shelf level. The wood made a handful of squeaky noises earning more unwanted attention from the people under him

He quietly hummed to himself with an attempt to beatbox mixing in until he halted had he finally found the book he was invested to find. Remus pulled it out of its spot with speed glossing his fingers over the cover and flicking through the pages hastily. The more pages he turned the more his smile grew

A loud snap echoed through the library the Lupin boy had slammed the book shut paired with a thud of him jumping off the near top of the ladder onto the ground. Unbeknownst to him the floor beneath emitted a dust shower from the shock of his feet

The boy strutted down the stairs with a jump with an almost gallop like run towards the cashier. His big smile transmitted towards many of the people in the shop from when he first stumbled in, some excited for him to finally find the book and some glad he was about to leave

His grin stayed painted on his face as the man checked out the book looking at the boy with a curious brow at his choice of literature

"What're you learnin' it for?" He asked wanting to know why this 15-year-old boy would spend this long just to find this book

"For a girl" He simply replied pursing his lips to the left holding his immense excitement while looking behind him for a second

"Must be one lucky lady" He guessed watching him nod his head seriously "Ya know for you to do all this work"

"It will be worth it," Remus said tucking the book under his arms and exiting the shop

He let out a deep sigh of relief he set out to do one thing today and completed it. He felt as if he's been here all day and his exaggerated thought turned out to be true as all the students were catching the last few carriages or trudging back in the snow

The Gryffindor didn't mind walking through the snow and began his trek back to the castle, he picked up the pace halfway as the sun was starting to set the temperature slowly dropping and didn't want to miss the feast. Because the boy was, hungry

He made a quick stop by the common room hiding the book in his pillowcase so the boys wouldn't stumble upon it. He wanted to keep Delphina separate from his friends, just by admiring her he knew she was quiet and kept to herself. He didn't know how well she would deal with his rowdy friends, but he didn't want to find out

He wanted friends like Delphina and Pandora who weren't already friends with James or Sirius. She wasn't like him that could tolerate the duo, she wasn't like Lily who could put the boys in her place she was Delphina. Quiet, lonely Delphina and for Remus in his chosen path of chaos and rowdiness he somehow fell into the luring hole of beauty and tranquillity

He really liked the brunette even if he only watched her from afar and only one real conversation was held. He was persistent and fascinated by the girl maybe even infatuated although he displayed it differently than his quidditch loving friend

He walked into the Great Hall with a slight spring in his footing that did not go unnoticed by the trio. He plopped down next to Peter that slurping some soup extra loudly in order to piss off his friends

The bookworm slapped upside his head causing the small boy to nearly land in the steaming liquid. They all shared a joking laugh but quickly the three's boy's faces turned to serious looking at the suspect in question

"So, Remus... where'd you disappear off to?" Sirius leant over the table catching the boy's eyes as he looked up confused at his friend's antics

"The library?" His answer sounded more like a question than a solid conclusion

"Sure, you weren't going to secretly shag someone?" James smirked watching his friends blush a deep lipstick red. This obvious tell made the boys conclude that he indeed did the dirty with someone he receives a big slap on the back from Peter as they all congratulate him

"N-No I didn't secretly shag someone I was at the library!" He protested but the boys made a solid eye contact

Remus had done the deed and they wanted to know who with

Word Count:1321

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