Ch.20 Professor

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Another day had come. It had been a week since the incident. Remus's sole focus was on Delphina. Every day, he stayed close to her, almost like an overbearing mother with their toddler experiencing new things. If she dropped her book, Remus would already be on the floor with bubble wrap, ready to catch it. She found it endearing, and it warmed her heart, watching him fuss over the little things. Having someone put some much effort and passion into her that wasn't her mother.

They worked night and day, gradually training Dee's petite-level ears into fully functioning ears. She also spent hours just listening to the sounds objects made. It fascinated her that objects she had used every day had such unusual sounds. She felt like a kid discovering anything she could get her hands on.

But she couldn't get enough of Remus's voice, his laugh, the passion in his voice when he spoke about something he love and the exaggeration of the wild prank he and his friends pulled. Delphine was sure if she had gone back and met Remus, she would've fallen in love with his voice before anything else.

Delphina thought she was finally ready to attend classes. Every night as she lay in bed, she listened to recordings of classroom chatter courtesy of Remus, and each night she raised the volume till it reached the max. It didn't hurt her like when she was at the great hall, she only felt uncomfortable. And she could get used to being uncomfortable as the more she got used to it, the more it would fade away and become white noise, which is also not what she expected that statement meant.

Dee lay in her bed that night, Pandora sleeping peacefully across from her. The brunette couldn't sleep, squirming in anticipation at what lies ahead in the coming hours. She couldn't wait, couldn't wait to go back to classes, couldn't wait to see the look on Professor McGonagall's face.

But she couldn't wait any longer. Clearly, she wasn't getting any ounce of sleep, so she sat up, thinking of ways to pass the time. Her brain ran blank even after a few bonks on the head. She forced herself up, grabbing one of Remus' knitted sweaters and some thick insulated socks, still without an idea. Before making a decision on her earrings, she contemplated.

She quickly cuffed them snugly around her ears before she carefully opened the dorm door, cautious of Pandora's light sleeping. And wandered around the dark common room for 10 minutes, hoping to get her brain actively working.

Finally, a thought popped into her empty thoughts. A wide grin graced her lips as she quietly made her way out of the common room. A surge of adrenaline shot through her at the action of sneaking around the castle, never had she thought that she would do anything this reckless.

After checking that no one was in sight, she sprinted down the empty halls in search of her beloved. While her brain struggled to think of meaningless things to do, it stumbled across the memory of Remus's prefect schedule. Tonight, he happened to be on the extra late-night patrols. Delphina could recall him complaining about the reduction of sleep he gets thanks to those patrolling, but even when he was grumbling, Dee still thought his voice was sweet as silky honey.

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