Ch.13 Back At School

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Third Person P.O.V

A nice cool breeze swept over Hogwarts castle while Remus and Delphina hung out in the courtyard, sitting in the open archway across from each other. They left books idle next to them as they laughed about their first few days back at school.

Delphina enjoyed this time after a long week of school. Delphie was glad to spend time with Remus outside. She sat down with the person she wanted the most throughout the week. And the best part was they could sign to each other with no one else understanding their conversation.

Remus liked this time that he had been away from his friends. It seemed to be perfect. All week, they would only sneak glances in class and in the great hall, waiting for one to look away with peppermint pink cheeks. Currently, the boy was in the lead as his days involved watching her drop her head in embarrassment multiple times.

Delphina peeked up from her book to catch Remus staring at her. His eyes were a comforting brown and welcomed people in without a single word. His smile was contagious and filled her with such joy and warmth that she couldn't describe the feeling when Pandora asked her one late at night.

She nudged his foot, watching his smile turn to laughter. Oh, how she wishes she could hear his laugh. She would do anything if it meant she could hear just a snippet.

''Was your day okay?" Delphina watched as Remus signed what he hoped to be the correct question. He was still slowly but surely adjusting. Every day, they talked, and he studied ways he could improve both translating and signing. Dee noted to always encourage him with good feedback. As he strived for positive reinforcement.

The brunette girl loved to watch as he figured out something new that made his life easier, like a toddler all over again. Her heart felt fulfilled as she thought about the boy opposite her, giving up hours of his time to learn her language.

"It was alright, I have a potions essay that is due next Tuesday." The pair shared an eye roll as both shared the experience of Slughorn's constant homework.

"I can help if you'd like. I've already started," Remus suggested as he sifted through his bag in search of the parchment. His tongue had snuck out, resting between his lips unbeknownst to him, prompting Delphina to grow a wicked smile.

"What are you smiling at?" The boy paused his search once, seeing her unexpected smile aimed at himself. "Tell me," he whined as he approached her gradually, aligning his eyes, interrogated her, desperate for an answer.

Her smile turned pursed as she contained her giggles. Setting her hands down and sitting up being forced to move back, as the girl carefully planned her escape, she shook her head and bolted as fast as she could, but Remus even though he eats like a dog and doesn't do any exercise besides running from Filch. His legs still carried him to where he needed to be in seconds.

Delphina didn't make it 10 feet from their previous spot when two lanky arms engulfed her waist, raising her off the floor. The rapid taps on his arms signalling she wanted him to stop. He placed her down gently, waiting for her reaction. Swiftly turning, she smacked his chest showing her annoyance Remus thought otherwise as her cheeks were deep pink.

Remus wanted to kiss her so softly at the sight of her flustered state once she noticed him staring. She hid her face deep in his chest slowly, their hands interlaced. The lupin boy softly swayed them, painting two sombre smiles on the teens alone in the breezy hall. Delphina dared to move her hands up his knitted sweater and around his warm neck, resting her face to the side.

The boy let his hands fall to her waist, sliding them into her little puffer jacket, around her waist, letting them soak the warmth. Dropping his head, Remus smelt her shampoo scent of sweet honey. Moments like this he felt were like a drug, intoxicating and addictive, always longing for the next one to come. The moments felt elated and rapturous, where the boy could be with someone who he loved so deeply. Those moments were something special to him, as his family, friends and her.


He wanted to be by her for as long as time ticks, he never wanted to see her harmed or beaten. Remus wanted to protect her with every running blood cell in his body and just hold her away from any problems.

"Hey, Moony!"

His head snapped up to see his brothers in the distance heading towards the duo. Delphie peeked over Remus's shoulder to see the three most popular boys in the school. Her content grin slowly faded at the sight, she quietly moved further away from the boy and grabbed her things, leaving without telling the boy.

"What're you doing out here?"

They left him speechless. He didn't want Delphina and the boys to meet yet. His perfect situation was collapsing in front of him, but he still hadn't noticed that the girl had already fled.

"I-uh..." His hands fumbled together collecting sweat as his mouth hung open, waiting for an excuse or just anything to flow out. The boy's eyes darted to the left in a constant pattern. He let out a sigh of defeat, knowing that he had to come clean until, in his favour, Peter asked cluelessly.

"Yeah, what're you doing out here alone"?"

Lupin turned to see no trace of the girl left behind to show that she was even there at all. Her existence at that moment was gone, to a point where Remus even questioned if he was dreaming. But his sixth sense had caught a glimpse of her retreating figure on the other side of the courtyard.


Word Count: 993

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