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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Third Person P.O.V

Delphina Emco was born on the 9th of February 1960; she was held close by her mother. Noelle Emco. For the rest of their life, it was just the two of them in the tiny apartment on top of Noelle's shop. Noelle would raise her to be a strong independent woman. When she brought Delphina home she thought it would be harder but Delphina rarely cried and when she did it was only for Noelle. She was almost dependent on Noelle 

By the time Delphina was 4 months old, Noelle had started to get concerned for her daughter. She was not turning her head at any noises no matter how loud, or even her name the mother decided to take her to the muggle doctors to do a checkup

"Miss, we have some unfortunate news about your daughter," The nurse told the concerned mother

That day they had discovered that Delphina was deaf. It broke Noelle's heart that her daughter wouldn't ever be able to hear because she didn't have the money to give her baby the ability to hear, and even if she did there was a chance that it wouldn't work. Her daughter would never go to Hogwarts and learn the art of magic just like she did, she would most likely never have proper friends or really live like any other kid wizard or not. She thought about any spell, but none such exist and she couldn't just create spells, only certain people who were born to do that could

It's not like the mother could anyway once she left Hogwarts she purposefully broke her wand. She had a magnificent time there growing up and learning the magic but once she graduated she wanted a different life one with no magic. Noelle loved her time at the school but knew once she finished it wasn't for her

But the mother refused to give up on her daughter so when they left St. Mungo's they stopped at a muggle bookstore. And Noelle picked up every book on sign language she found buying them straight up with the little money they had. For the next few months, Noelle learnt sign language from books and soon after she had mastered it had started to teach her 7-month-old basic signs. It was a difficult process and many nights left Noelle crying while her daughter was soundly sleeping

As Delphina grew, she learnt more, being able to hold small conversations with her mother as a toddler. Delphina watched all day long as her mother baked with her fellow employees at work and waited tables. She watched silently as she saw everybody's mouths move she had started to understand words since her mother used to hold one-sided conversations with her, as she sat there every day, she learnt little by little to lip-read and understand the words flowing from their lips. And as she got older, she was an expert at it

Most days when she decided to sit there reading or colouring in when she got bored she would look up at a table where she could see both lips and watch their conversation. It brought some excitement to her life hearing about other people's adventures and experiences

Delphina didn't grow up with any friends, they didn't like to talk to her and thought she was a freak and on top of that she had made flowers weave into a flower crown without her doing anything except using her mind. Making the girls freak out and run away but she was fine with not having friends, she was fine being alone with just her mother and her thoughts

On Delphina's 11th birthday it was just her and her mum till a knock at their door disrupted them well, only Noelle had she gone to the door to be greeted by an elderly lady

Noelle signed to her daughter that her name was Professor McGonagall and was from Hogwarts. Delphina was amazed, ever since she was little her mum told her about her adventures at Hogwarts and how she met her dad and how they fell in love

The three sat down on the couch Delphina watched as the Professors mouth moved. Taking every word carefully she understood that she was to attend Hogwarts but it made Delphina more confused

She turned to her mother and asked her how she would be able to learn without hearing. McGonagall got her attention by tapping her shoulder, the small girl watched as the wiser woman pulled out a small box Delphina leaned forward enticed. She gently opened it and rested a small bracelet in the velvet box, she looked up to see the woman slowly sign

She told Delphina that the bracelet she would wear at all times at school. The bracelet would send a small vibration of some sort to alert her when the Professors were talking so she could look up and read their lips. McGonagall took it and gently slipped it on Delphina's wrist, she signed to her to never lose it and to think of it as a prized possession

Soon Mcconagal left and Delphina jumped up and down in excitement hugging her mum as she lightly cried for her baby girl. For once she would be able to be a normal kid and go to school just like Noelle had always dreamt for her little girl

Three weeks before school started they went to Diagon Alley to get all her books and supplies. They went to Olivanders last only them in the store Noelle's hands rested on Delphina's shoulders as they waited for Mr Ollivander to give Delphina the perfect wand for her

As Delphina went through many wands Mr Ollivander gave her one last one she only stared at it. It was beautiful the 11-year-old already felt connected to the wand

She carefully picked it up and immediately a light shone upon her and her hair looked like it was out of a film

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

She carefully picked it up and immediately a light shone upon her and her hair looked like it was out of a film. She thought for a split second she could hear her mother clapping and laughing in joy. It soon dies down and the noise went away, Noelle paid for the wand and they went home tired and happy

Delphina was so excited for September 1st the day when she would have her own adventures and experiences

Word Count: 1080

Angelic Voiceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن